Register for product training here!

Registering for self-service FactoryLogix training is quick and easy. Our training portal provides direct access to the courses you need to learn and use the FactoryLogix system. After you complete the training portal registration, a link will bring you back to this FactoryLogix Learning site to find out more about self-service courses and additional resources to help you learn and use FactoryLogix.





When you register for self-service product training, you'll receive a follow-up email requesting that you confirm your email address. If you don't complete this step, you will not be granted access to FactoryLogix training courses. Be sure to check your email spam/junk folders if you don't receive the confirmation email in your inbox!

Returning learner?

If you've already taken some of our FactoryLogix eLearning courses and want to log into the Training portal and return to your course list or check your progress, select the button below.




To learn about the latest new eLearning courses, see New eLearning courses!

Product documentation

Welcome to FactoryLogix! Content is updated daily in real time, so you always have the latest information. 

Find information quickly with Search

Search from any page using the magnifying glass in the upper-right corner of the window:  

  1. Enter a forward slash / on your keyboard to display the Search bar in the upper-right corner of the window (or click in the Search box).

  2. Enter one or more keywords to display a list of topics.

  3. Scroll through the search results and select a topic to view.


For detailed information about using the Search syntax and advanced search queries, see How to use Search.

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