Edit Europlacer machine properties
After you Specify a machine and add programming to your process definition in FactoryLogix Office, you're ready to edit the Europlacer machine-specific properties.
Specifying machine properties settings is a task you typically do one time and only modify settings when necessary.
Under Line Programming in the Process tree, select Universal under the operation you assigned it to previously (Auto Place, for example).
In the Machine List window to the right of the Process tree, select the Edit Properties
The Database Location is the path to the database file (*.mdb) where FactoryLogix will store imported package data and part number links to those package types. If you need to change the database location, select the ellipsis (...) button, then locate and select a different database.
Select the Compact Database button to reduce the size of the package database.
Since the library file is a database table, every time you make a change or delete something, the object may be removed. However, the space remains in the database. Compacting the library removes unused space and reduces the file size.Select the Clear Database button to delete everything in the Europlacer package library.
Under Europlacer Package Database, select the path to the Database Filename—this is the name of the Europlacer package database file. Select the ellipsis (...) button to the right of the filed to select the directory and file name (*.dbf) of the package library to import.
Currently only the dBase 5.0 database format is supported.
Under Package Name Length, select the length of the package name you want to display in the Europlacer Setup screens.
The Europlacer machine may support 32-character packges or only 8-characater packages, so be sure to select the appropriate package length.
Under Display Units, select the units of measure that you would like data in the Europlacer Setup screens to display (Inches, Millimeters, or Mils).
Select the Test Connection button to ensure a connection to the package database.
Under Europlacer Part Database Location, specify the path to the Europlacer part database file (*.dbf).
Select OK to save your settings in the Properties dialog.
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