CDI format properties
The following information is based on selecting the Comprehensive Data Import (CDI) Generated Program Format in the Properties dialog.
Generated output format | Tab | Option |
CDI | General | Path to Universal GSM Database - By selecting the browse button (the ellipsis ...), you can specify the location of the Universal database. Units
Database Utilities
Generated Program Format - Select the output format to generate from FactoryLogix (in this case Comprehensive Data Import (CDI). Programming Options
Machine Save Path - The machine path where the product information is saved after import into the GSM software. Machine Database Name - The name of the machine database during import into the GSM software. Import Optimizer - Offers multiple import options to better optimize throughput on the Universal machine (consult your Universal machine documentation for details.)
Use New Component Angle Convention - Consult your Universal machine documentation for details about this newer machine placement angle convention. |
CDI | Part Numbers |
The Part Numbers tab is used to store all of the GSM part numbers. You can populate all part numbers by entering them manually or you can import part numbers from an existing .CDI file. Part Numbers - Displays all the part numbers. Part Number - Displays the selected part number name. Description - Displays the selected part number description. Feeder - Associates a feeder with the selected part number. Pickup Rotation - Associates a pickup rotation to every part number. Import .CDI Files - Imports an existing .CDI file containing part number and feeder information and populates those fields in the Properties dialog.
Note Each part number should ideally have a feeder associated to it. The part number window shows an "F" error code if there is No Feeder Selected for a Part Number in the Library.
CDI | Feeders |
The Feeders tab stores all of the GSM's feeders. On this tab, you create a new feeder to later associate the feeder to a part number. Feeders - Displays all available feeders. Feeder Name - Displays the name of the selected feeder. Feeder Type - Allows you to select a feeder type from a drop-down list. Number of Slots - Defines the number of slots for the selected feeder. Reference Slot - You can associate a reference slot from this drop down list. Part Number Capacity - You can associate a part number capacity to the selected feeder. |
CDI | Configuration |
The Configuration tab stores all of the GSM machine's feeders. On this tab, you can create a new feeder to later associate to a part number. Feeder Banks - Displays a list of all default feeder banks and their attributes (Start Slot, End Slot, and total number of Slots).
Note When generating machine programs, it's important to note that the feeder banks displayed in the dialog are the defaults but you can change them to match your specific environment if necessary. The goal is to not overwrite the permanent feeder setup that you always have set on the Universal machine.
Feeder Bank Name - Displays the name of the selected feeder bank. Start Slot - You can enter the start slot number for the selected feeder bank. End Slot - You can associate an end slot to the selected feeder bank. Auto Feeder Setup - Allows you to add skip locations by slot and track/pallet number for auto feeders. You can also add or delete skipped locations. Permanent Feeders - Displays permanent feeders and their associated part numbers. Feeder - Select a feeder type for the permanent feeder from the drop-down list. Part Number - Specifies the part number that has a permanent location on the Universal machine. Slot - Associates a slot to the selected part number. Track/Pallet - Associates a track/pallet to the selected part number. Error Codes - S=Slot Number Undefined (allows you to see if this feeder has a slot number defined or if it's empty). |
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