Set workstation identifiers

Set workstation identifiers

Set Workstation Identifiers button (Production)

The Set Workstation Identifiers window is where you specify the workstation on which you are currently working as the workstation identifier. This is a quick way to assign your workstation to a factory resource without even needing to know your computer name. The name of your computer is used automatically as the workstation identifier.



You can set up other workstation details and assign multiple workstations as workstation identifiers for specific factory resources in the Factory Resources area of the NPI client application (provided you have the appropriate user rights).


  1. Log into the Production client application.

  2. Select the Advanced Features button Advanced Features button (the gear) at the top of the window, then select the Set Workstation Identifiers button.

  3. Expand the Factory Resources tree under Set Workstation Identifiers on the left side of the window.

    Set Workstation Identifiers (Production)

  4. Locate the factory resource you want to assign your workstation to, then select its check box.

    The workstation identifier (the name of your workstation) displays on the right side of the window.

  5. To assign your workstation to other factory resources, continue to select the appropriate factory resource check boxes.

  6. Select the Save button in the lower-right corner of the window to save your selections


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