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Control dashboard viewing and editing access

When you’re ready to share dashboard viewing and editing access with workplace colleagues, you need to specify the users and groups who will be authorized to view and edit your dashboards. After granting dashboard access, you can revoke access at any time if necessary.

  1. Open a dashboard, then select the Edit button in the upper-right corner of the window.

  2. Select Dashboard Access at the top of the window. (By default, everyone has access to view and edit all dashboards.)

  3. Deselect the Allow everyone to access check box.

    Now you can select users and/or groups you want to allow access to view and edit this dashboard.

    Grant Access dialog

  4. Us the Show: check boxes to change the display of users and user groups by selecting User Groups or Users, or both.

    Grant Access options

  5. Select a user or user group to grant access to view and edit this dashboard, then select Grant Access.


Use Ctrl+click to select multiple individual users or groups or Shift+click to select a range of users or groups, then select Grant Access.

The users and/or groups you selected display under Authorized Users on the right side of the dialog.

  1. To revoke access to a dashboard, select the desired user or group under Authorized Users, then select the Revoke Access


Use Ctrl+click to select multiple individual users or groups or Shift+click to select a range of users or groups, then select Revoke Access.


  1. Select OK to confirm your changes and return to editing mode.

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