Terms, abbreviations, and acronyms

Terms, abbreviations, and acronyms

This glossary contains common manufacturing terms, abbreviations, and acronyms as well as FactoryLogix-specific terms.








Acceptable Quality Limit


The lowest acceptable quality level. It represents the maximum number of defective units beyond which a batch is rejected. (Also known as Acceptable Quality Level.)

Active Work Instruction


A reference, teaching, or training document that clearly and unambiguously communicates a series of steps to complete a task. An Active Work Instruction can be entirely text and can also include images or videos to make instructions easier to understand, reduce training time, and reduce errors.

Administrative Quality Management


A FactoryLogix module that addresses quality issues such as non-conformance.

Advanced Planning and Scheduling


A manufacturing management process by which raw materials and production capacity are optimally allocated to meet demand.



Used for the creation and management of alarm triggers and templates for automated alarms delivery through a series of outputs/events such as SQL events, line stop events, log events, and email events.

Alternate Internal Part Number


An acceptable secondary or alternate internal part number.

American Standard Code for Information Interchange


A numeric representation of the characters displayed by a computer.

Approved Manufacturer List


A list of approved manufacturers for a specific item.

Approved Vendor List


A list of approved vendors for a specific item.

Automated Optical Inspection


An automated visual inspection of printed circuit board (PCB) (or LCD, transistor) manufacture where a camera autonomously scans the device under test for both catastrophic failure (e.g., missing components) and quality defects (e.g., fillet size or shape or component skew). AOI is commonly used in the manufacturing process because it is a non-contact test method. It is implemented at many stages through the manufacturing process including bare board inspection, solder paste inspection (SPI), pre-reflow, post-reflow, and other stages.

Automated Test Equipment


Automated Test Equipment (ATE) refers to devices that perform tests on a unit or assembly using automation to perform measurements and evaluate test results. An ATE device can be a simple computer-controlled digital multimeter or a complicated system containing dozens of complex test instruments (real or simulated electronic test equipment) capable of automatically testing and diagnosing faults in sophisticated electronic packaged parts.

Bill of Materials


A document that contains all the parts and assemblies required to build a complete product.

Bill of Process


A list of parts/materials/tools needed at a specific manufacturing operation.

CE Mark


Formerly known as the CE Mark, the Conformitè Europëenne (CE) Mark is a mandatory conformity marking for certain products sold within the European Economic Area (EEA) since 1985. The CE marking is also found on products sold outside the EEA that are manufactured in or designed to be sold in the EEA, making the CE marking recognizable worldwide—even to those unfamiliar with the EEA.

client applications


FactoryLogix client applications include NPI, Logistics, Production, and Analytics.

Connected Factory Exchange


The IPC CFX (Connected Factory Exchange) standard (IPC-2591).

Capability Maturity Model


The Capability Maturity Model (CMM) is a tool to assess processes in organizations during software development. The term maturity relates to the degree of formality and optimization of processes, from ad hoc practices to formally defined steps to managed result metrics to active process optimization.

The model's goal is to improve existing software development processes, but it can also be applied to other processes.

Computerized Maintenance Management System


Software that manages maintenance information and facilitates maintenance operations. CMMS optimizes the utilization of physical equipment such as machinery, vehicles, and other physical asset found in manufacturing and other industries where physical infrastructure is critical to operations and productivity. (Sometimes referred to as Computerized Maintenance Management Information System or CMMIS.)

Component Reference Designator

CRD or Ref

 This specifies a location of a component or an item on a product.

Computer-Aided Design


Computer-based systems for product design and development. CAD data is used to generate machine programs and documentation.

Computer-Aided Manufacturing


Computerized systems that control machine tools and other machines and workstations in the manufacturing of products.

Computer-Assisted Engineering


In electronics work, refers to schematic software packages.

Computer Integrated Manufacturing


CIM systems typically link management with engineering, manufacturing, and production operations.

Computer Numerical Control


Computer Numerical Control (CNC) refers to the automated control of machines by means of a computer. Taking digitized data, a computer and CAM program are used to control, automate, and monitor the movements of a machine. The machine can be a milling machine, lathe, router, welder, grinder, laser or water jet cutter, sheet metal stamping machine, robot, 3D printer, and many other types of machines.

Configure to Order


A set of components or sub-assemblies with variants, allowing multiple types or configurations for assembled final products.

Connected Factory Exchange


Connected Factory Exchange.

IPC-CFX is an electronics manufacturing industry developed standard forming the foundation/backbone of Industry 4.0 Applications. IPC-CFX simplifies and standardizes machine-to-machine communication while also facilitating machine-to-business/business-to-machine solutions.

Consignment manufacturing


References the partial outsourcing of goods. In electronics manufacturing, consignment manufacturing is a model where the technology manufacturer keeps some portion of the overall manufacturing supply chain in-house (typically purchasing and/or system assembly (box build)).

Corrective and Preventive Actions


Improvements to an organization's processes taken to eliminate causes of non-conformities or other undesirable situations. It is usually a set of actions that laws or regulations require an organization to take in manufacturing, documentation, procedures, or systems to rectify and eliminate recurring non-performance.

Customer Part Number


A part number assigned by a customer for a component or product.

cycle time


The complete time a unit has been at an operation. It begins when the unit is first scanned into an operation and stops when the unit is finished. Pausing the unit does not stop the cycle time count.

The calculation is: TimeComplete - TimeStarted = Cycle Time. (In FactoryLogix, this data can be found in the WIP data source in DataMiner.)

Defects Per Million Opportunities


The average number of defects per unit reported during an average production run divided by the number of opportunities to make a defect on the product under study during that run, normalized to one million.

Defects Per Unit


The average of the total number of defects divided by the total number of units.

Device History Report


Production data collected at each step of the manufacturing process. The data is made available electronically for analysis to help optimize manufacturing processes.

Digital Manufacturing Engineering


An initiative to define manufacturing processes, manage manufacturing process information, and support effective collaboration among engineering disciplines by using full digital product definition.

Distributed Control System


A dedicated system of sensors, controllers, and associated computers distributed throughout a factory with no central operator or supervisory control. A DCS is used in manufacturing processes that are continuous or batch-oriented. Each element of the system serves a unique purpose such as data acquisition or process control as well as graphical display and data storage.

dwell time


The time from when a unit is finished at Operation A until it is started at Operation B. This time is calculated from the finish time of Operation A to the start time of Operation B.

(In FactoryLogix, this data is in the WIP data source and the option to Include Dwell Time to Next Station (Options tab) must be selected to calculate dwell time.)

Electrical Computer-Aided Design


Software used to create and modify both diagrams and layouts, including both 2D and 3D, to design, assess, and document electronic Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs).

Electronics Manufacturing Services


A term used for companies that design, manufacture, test, distribute, and provide return and repair services for electronic components and assemblies for original equipment manufacturers (OEMs).

Engineering Change Notice


A document that records and authorizes design changes during the prototyping and life-cycle phases of product manufacturing. ECN documentation contains the justification for changes made to a component or system once the initial design is complete. It also forces changes to be approved by the relevant authorities (typically a project manager).

Enterprise Resource Planning


Business Process Management (BPM) software that manages and integrates a company's financials, supply chain, operations, reporting, manufacturing, and human resource activities.

exposure time


Exposure time (also referred to as open time) defines how long a particular electronic part can be exposed to the ambient air before it must be baked to remove the moisture from it.

More information: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moisture_sensitivity_level

factory model


A software replica of the physical assets used in a factory or manufacturing cell to control and track a product through its specific manufacturing process.

Failure Reporting and Corrective Action System


Commonly referred to a "Closed Loop Reporting System". Instrumental in understanding how equipment or a system is performing in the field from a reliability and maintainability perspective.

First Article Inspection


A common method of visually or physically inspecting a product for quality control adherence. FAI is typically done on the first product that completes a manufacturing process.

First Pass Yield


Yield is a typical measure of process or factory effectiveness. Beyond total yield, consider First Pass Yield (FPY) which is the percentage of products manufactured correctly the first time through—without rework. (First Pass Yield is sometimes referred to as Throughput Yield (TPY)).

First Pass Yield is calculated as: the number of good/passed units coming out of a process divided by the number of total units going into a specific process or process point.


  • 200 units enter A and 150 leave. The FPY for process A is 150/200 = .75​

  • 150 units go into B and 145 units leave. The FPY for process B is 145/150 = .97​

  • 145 units go into C and 130 leave. The FPY for C is 130/145 = .89​

  • 130 units got into D and 129 leave. The FPY for D is 129/130 = .99    ​

Functional Test


In manufacturing, a functional test is typically performed during the last phase of production.

Goods Receipt Note


Electronic evidence of receiving components or parts for manufacturing from a supplier.

A note or receipt used by a customer to check or validate delivered goods; a verification note filled in by the customer at his end. (Also known as Goods Received Number.)

Hybrid tracking mode


(NPI New Process Options) The Hybrid tracking mode tracks (in order) non-serialized, then serialized products.

In Circuit Test


A type of white box testing where an electrical probe tests a printed circuit board (PCB) to check for shorts, opens, resistance, capacitance, and so on to show whether an assembly was manufactured correctly.

Incoming Quality Control


The process of inspecting raw and component materials from suppliers upon arrival. When defective parts are found, you need to negotiate with the supplier for return or exchange. The final purpose is to make sure your product quality is not affected.

Industrial Internet of Things


The use of Internet of Things (IoT) technologies in manufacturing.

Inspection methods


Depending on the product and its specific requirements, a variety of inspection methods may be used in manufacturing, for example: visual inspection, measurement and testing, functional testing, and non-destructive testing. These methods help identify defects, deviations, or non-compliance with the established product quality standards.

Institute for Interconnecting and Packaging Electronic Circuits


The American authority on the design and manufacturing of printed wiring.

Integrated Circuit


A set of electronic circuits on one small flat piece (or "chip") of semiconductor material, normally silicon.

Internal Part Number


A part number assigned and used internally for a component or product.



IPC-CFX is an industry-developed open international standard forming the foundation/backbone of "factory of the future" applications. IPC-CFX is a plug-and-play solution that simplifies and standardizes machine-to-machine communication while facilitating machine-to-business and business-to-machine applications.

Just in Time


A system in which material is received at the exact time when it is needed. This creates an optimal material flow, never leaving you with too many or too few parts.

A methodology used to reduce times within a manufacturing system as well as response times from suppliers and to customers.

Key Performance Indicator


Metrics used by an organization to measure the performance of manufacturing processes and methods to turn raw materials into finished goods or services at the enterprise, region, district, and plant levels.

Lock Down profile


(NPI New Process Options) A Lock Down profile specifies the parts of a process definition that can be edited and the parts that are locked down (non-editable) after being released to production.



The Logistics client application in FactoryLogix deals with material handling—from receiving, inspection, and labeling with unique identifiers (UIDs) to dispatch to the production floor, and replenishment of needed parts.

Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul


The maintenance, repair, and overhaul of machinery and equipment used in an integrated supply chain management model.

Manufacturer Part Number


A part number assigned by a manufacturer for a component or product.

Manufacturing Execution System


A software control system for managing work processes in manufacturing. Businesses can use this software as part of an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solution for tracking manufacturing data in real time.

Manufacturing Operations Management


A methodology for viewing an end-to-end manufacturing process with a goal of optimizing efficiency.

Manufacturing Operations System


A collection of systems for managing end-to-end manufacturing processes with a view to optimizing efficiency.

Material Review Board


A system of recorded investigative checks done on failed components or processes to improve quality.

Materials Requirements Planning


Typically, a software-based production planning and inventory control system used to manage manufacturing processes.

Mean Time Between Failures


Measures the predicted time that passes between one previous failure of a mechanical or electrical system to the next failure during normal operations. Helps you predict how long a piece of equipment or other asset can run before the next unplanned breakdown occurs.

Mean Time To Failure


A metric used in maintenance that measures the average amount of time a non-repairable piece of equipment/asset will operate before it fails. MTTF is relevant only for equipment and assets that cannot or should not be repaired. MTTF is also defined as the average lifespan of an asset.

Mean Time To Repair


Refers to the amount of time required to repair a system and restore it to full functionality. The MTTR clock starts when repairs begin and it continues until operations are fully restored.

Calculating MTTR: Divide the total maintenance time by the total number of maintenance actions over a given period of time.

Moisture Sensitive Device


Moisture sensitive devices are packaged in a moisture barrier anti-static bag with a dessicant and moisture indicator card which is sealed. 

Moisture Sensitivity Level


For semiconductors, refers to the electronic standard for the time period during which a moisture sensitive device can be exposed to ambient room conditions. There are eight MSL levels; each specifies how long a component can be left out of its original packaging prior to reflow.

Non-Conformance Report


A report that addresses deviation from a specification or standard or work that fails to meet quality standards.

New Product Introduction


A program that encompasses all activities in an organization to define, develop, and manufacture a new or improved product.

In FactoryLogix, NPI is the client application you use to structure and organize all details of your product to prepare it for efficient, error-free manufacturing. 

One thousandth of an inch


.001 inch. A Mil is a typical manufacturing dimension.

Open Applications Group Integration Specification


Defines a common content model and messages for communication between business applications. Promotes business process interoperability for both inter- intra-enterprise business processes. OAGIS uses XML to define business messages and identify business processes that allow businesses and business applications to communicate. OAGIS supports the additional requirements of specific industries by partnering with vertical industry groups.

Open Database Connectivity


A standard application programming interface (API) for accessing database management systems (DBMS).

Operator Interface Template


A template used to customize the layout and organization of work instructions for a machine or workstation operator.

Original Equipment Manufacturer


The original manufacturer of a product or component.

Overall Equipment Effectiveness


A term used in lean manufacturing. OEE considers the various sub components of the manufacturing process: availability, performance and quality. After the various factors are considered, the OEE result is expressed as a percentage.

Open Platform Communications


A series of standards and specifications for industrial telecommunication. OPC specifies the communication of real-time factory data between control devices from different manufacturers. OPC was originally designed to provide a common communications bridge for Windows-based software applications and process control hardware. 

Open Platform Communications Unified Architecture


machine-to-machine communication protocol for industrial automation developed by the OPC Foundation.

PCB panelization


A manufacturing technique in which smaller printed circuit boards (PCBs) are manufactured connected together as a single array, making it easier to move them through a production line. The individual boards can be depanelized easily or removed from the array for packaging or installation into a product. 

Printed Circuit Board


Mechanically supports and electrically connects electronic components or electrical components using conductive tracks, pads, and other features etched from one or more sheet layers of copper laminated onto and/or between sheet layers of a non-conductive substrate. Components are generally soldered onto the PCB to both electrically connect and mechanically fasten them to it.

Programmable Logic Controller


An industrial computer that is ruggedized and adapted to control manufacturing processes such as assembly lines, robotic devices, or activities that requires high reliability, ease of programming, and process fault diagnostics.

Push versus Pull Manufacturing


In push manufacturing, manufacturers produce products based on demand planning. Production is pushed out to meet customer forecasted demands, even if those customers have not yet placed orders. 

In pull manufacturing, production is based on actual customer orders. As soon as an order arrives, work begins to manufacture that product. There is no predicting or forecasting involved. In a pure pull system, no product is made until there is a customer order for it.

Quality Management System


A system that integrates with Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) and provides complete visibility into manufacturing, field use, and service information. This knowledge helps improve future product design and production optimization, allowing quicker ramp-up in manufacturing processes.

Restriction of Hazardous Substances


A directive that restricts the use of hazardous materials in the manufacture of electronics and electrical equipment.

Rolled Throughput Yield


Rolled Throughput Yield (RTY) is a process performance measure that provides insight into the cumulative effects of an entire manufacturing process. RTY measures the yield for each of several process steps and provides the probability that a unit will come through that process defect free.

Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition


control system architecture including computers, networked data communications and graphical user interfaces for high-level process management. The system may also contain other peripheral devices such as programmable logic controllers (PLCs) to interface with machinery. The SCADA concept was developed to be a universal means of remote access to local control modules which could be from different manufacturers and allows access through standard automation protocols.

scrap/scrap rate


The percentage of materials sent to production that never become part of finished products.

Consider the following to help keep a close eye on your manufacturing total scrap costs:​

  • Your scrap calculations might include: vendor scrap, internal scrap, and internal setup scrap.

  • One way to calculate scrap is:

  • Manufacturers typically have their own internal ways of calculating scrap, for example some wouldn't include setup scrap, so be sure to check with your manager about the types of scrap to include.​

Selective Compliance Assembly Robot Arm


SCARA is a type of industrial robot. Also referred to as Selective Compliance Articulated Robot Arm.

Statistical Process Control


A method or process of using control charts for monitoring the quality of a product or item.

Surface Mount Technology


The technology used to manufacture electronic assemblies using components that are soldered directly to the surface of the substrate.

Surface Mount Technology Association


An international network of professionals who build skills, share practical experiences, and develop solutions in electronics manufacturing. Webiste: https://smta.org/.

throughput and throughput time


The amount of products produced.

Manufacturing throughput time is the amount of time required for a unit to pass through a manufacturing process, (that is, converted from raw materials into finished products). Throughput time also applies to processing raw materials into a component or sub-assembly.

Total Effective Equipment Performance


A performance metric that provides insights into the true capacity of a manufacturing operation and helps you forecast, plan and schedule production with greater accuracy. TEEP accounts for both equipment losses measured by OEE and schedule losses measured by utilization.

touch time


The total time that a unit is started at an operation and not in a paused state.

(In FactoryLogix, this data can be found in the WIP data source in DataMiner and the option to Include User Touch Time Data must be selected (Options tab) to calculate touch time.)

transport order


Also referred to as a transportation order.

A specific combination of a single source (stock location) and a single destination (factory resource or area). When material reservations are confirmed in FactoryLogix, one or more transport orders are generated. 

Unique Identifier


A numeric or alphanumeric string associated with a single entity in a system. A UID is assigned to a single item and is never reused. In FactoryLogix, UIDs are used to uniquely differentiate one material instance from another for traceability purposes. 

Vendor Part Number


The part number assigned by a vendor to a specific part, item , or product.

Work Breakdown Structure 


Identifies important details behind each activity in the manufacturing process. Project managers can use WBS information to eliminate unknowns and identify variables that could impact manufacturing progress. Please note that WBS information can only be added to FactoryLogix by using an xTend integration.

Work in Progress


A component or product that has started the manufacturing process but is not yet completed.



A transport/communication protocol developed by Aegis for real-time data collection and reporting machine/process point metrics.



The ratio of non-defective items produced compared to the total items manufactured. See also throughput.



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