Complete the pre-installation activities

Complete the pre-installation activities


There are some pre-installation activities we recommend you complete before installing or upgrading FactoryLogix. Most of these activities are related to properly creating and configuring accounts and security groups for use with the FactoryLogix system.

  • Create a domain account

  • Create a FactoryLogix Database

  • Determine the SQL authentication method to use

  • Install Microsoft updates and service packs

  • Provide SMTP details

Create a domain account

  1. Create a domain account using the account name aegissvc or factorylogixsvc. The account will serve as both a FactoryLogix service account and an Aegis support account.

  2. Ensure that the domain account has the following rights in the following places:

    • Local Admin rights to the FactoryLogix Application Server

    • Read/write access to network locations housing documents that FactoryLogix users will link to for access via the FactoryLogix Application Server

    • Read/write access to network locations housing xLink data files

Later you’ll configure the FactoryLogix Application Server and Aegis services to use this domain account for authentication purposes.


It is critical to maintain your domain account password properly. If you change the doman account password but don’t also change the password for specific services, you will cause a system failure!

Create a FactoryLogix Database

When you create the FactoryLogix Database, you will name it FactoryLogix and use the default database attributes. The database should be permitted to grow automatically as needed—putting size constraints on the database could cause problems later if the database reaches size limits. All tables should be owned by the dbo role for the SQL platform.

For step-by-step instructions, see Create and configure the FactoryLogix Database.

Determine the SQL authentication method

Determine if SQL will use Windows or SQL authentication. Although you can change the authentication method at any time, it is important to determine the method you will use to avoid any disruption of system usage.

  • Windows authentication will require you to create accounts in Active Directory. These accounts may be subject to any applicable Group Policy Objects (GPOs), including expired passwords. If a password expires, system downtime may occur.

  • SQL Authentication requires only a single account that the system will use to access the FactoryLogix database.

For step-by-step instructions, see Create and configure the FactoryLogix Database.

Windows authentication

If you use Windows Authentication, be sure to also create and maintain a SQL account so you can troubleshoot any database authentication issues that may occur.

SQL authentication

  1. Create an Active Directory Security Group to be used to grant database access to Aegis client application users. We recommend using the group name Aegis Users. This group will be used during the FactoryLogix Database security configuration.

  2. Add a login for the Aegis Users group on the SQL server, then grant the following permissions: public, ddl_admin, db_datareader, and db_datawriter. You can add users to or remove users from this group in Active Directory.


Be sure to add your FactoryLogix Service or Aegis Support account to the Active Directory Security Group to ensure proper operation of the system.


  1. Create a SQL security account on the FactoryLogix Database server using the name aegis or factorylogix.

  2. Grant public, ddl_admin, db_datareader, and db_datawriter permissions.

    Login - New dialog

    Although you may be using Windows authentication, it is a good idea to create and maintain a SQL account for troubleshooting any database authentication issues.

Install Microsoft updates and service packs

  • Install the latest Microsoft updates/service packs on the FactoryLogix Application Server and client machines.


The Aegis software suite has dependencies on the .NET framework that is installed by Windows Update. The .NET framework is also available as a setup package download from Microsoft. See Recommended system specification for details before installing the .NET Framework.

Provide SMTP details

  • Provide a SMTP server name/IP address, and a valid user name and password for use with the email system.

    The FactoryLogix system utilizes customer mail services to send emails for electronic signoff notifications, production alarms and alerts, and other functions. The FactoryLogix Application Server is configured with these settings during installation.

    Your SMTP email account can be the FactoryLogix Service account and the Aegis support account if you enabled email when you set up the account in Active Directory.



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