Logistics options

Logistics options


Settings button

Global options in NPI affect how users interact with FactoryLogix features and functions and control all aspects of the system. Global option settings combined with user roles and permissions allow different types of access to all areas of the FactoryLogix system. Administrators access FactoryLogix global settings in the Settings area of the NPI client application.



Only a member of the Administrator group can configure default values for global options.


In the Logistics category, you configure the default global options for all aspects of the FactoryLogix Logistics client application and the Mobile Logistics application.



To search for a global option, select a column header on the right side of the window, then press Ctrl+F. In the Search box that displays at the top of the window, enter a search string, then press Enter. All categories containing the search string you entered are highlighted in Yellow. (Select the Close button to end the search and redisplay all settings.)











  • Material Requisition XML Export Path - Specifies the directory where the XML file for material requisition will be exported.

  • Material Requisition Mode - Determines how the Material Requisition gadget behaves on the shop floor:

    • E-Mail Notification - Sends an e-mail to the assigned Responsible User(s) of the requested parts.

    • Generate Transport Order - Generates a transport order for the requested parts.

    • XML File Export - Generates an XML file and saves it to a specified location.


Receiving Materials

  • Default "Set the Same Value for All" State when Receiving Non-Serialized Materials - When set to True, the checkbox Set the Same Value for All will be selected by default when starting quantities of non-serialized units at an operation in a receiving process.

  • Mandatory Delivery Note Fields for Accept Materials - Determines which delivery note fields are mandatory for Accept Materials. Use the drop-down to make your selections:

    • Number

    • Line Item

    • Date

    • Document

  • Delete Delivery Note Document After Import - Determines whether the document imported in the Accept Materials window is deleted after a successful import.

  • Automatically Close a Material Purchase Order When All Material is Received - When set to True, the system automatically set the status of a material purchase order to closed when all the material associated to the line items is received. When set to False, the material purchase orders will remain open and users must change the status manually.

  • GRN Creation - Specifies whether GRN creation is coming from an xTend integration module or created manually through the Purchase Order Management and Accept Materials areas of FactoryLogix.

  • Government Cage Code - A five-character ID used by the United States Federal Government to identify federal government contractors/vendors. CAGE stands for Commercial And Government Entity. 

  • Allow Correction of Part Relationships During Labeling - When set to True, allows users to correct part relationships during labeling (a dialog displays where users can specify the correction). When set to False, users are not allowed to resolve MPN, VPN and IPN issues. 

  • Extended Smart text Fields in Receiving Processed - When set to True, the list of available Smart Text fields in a receiving process visual aid has two additional entries: one is the custom field against the part definition, the other is against the inventory item.

  • Require Reason Code for GRN - When set to True, requires you to specify a reason code to change the GRN status.


Inventory Functions

  • Enforce Stock Location Part Assignments - When set to True, only allows parts to be stored in their assigned stock locations. If users try to store parts in a stock location that isn't assigned for that part, an error message displays. 

  • Reason Codes for Material Movements - Controls whether the dialog to select a reason code for manual stock movements is displayed or hidden.

  • Automatically Reopen Previously-Opened MSD Parts that are Removed from Dry Storage - When set to True, the system opens/closes MSD material automatically when it is removed from or sent to stock. When set to False, users must run the open/close Material function manually as it fits into the process workflow.

  • Default Stock Resource - Identifies the default stock resource for the Suggested Stock Location functionality in Logistics.

  • Enforce FIFO (First In/First Out) Rules When Removing Material from Stock - When set to True, the system forces the first item in inventory to be used. An administrator can override this action. 

  • Allow Printing of Multiple Material Labels - When adding new inventory to FactoryLogix and this option is enabled (True), operators have the ability to print more than one copy of a material label.

  • Enable Stock Location Suggestion - Enables the suggesting of stock locations when adding inventory items into stock (used with the Move to Stock and Execute Transport Orders Logistics functions).

    • Suggest Best Stock - A user can only move items to the suggested stock location unless that user has the suggested stock override permission.

    • Evaluate Ownership - If a user does not have the permission to override suggested stock locations, the system will only allow the suggested stock location, a stock location with the same matching criteria, or an empty bin.


Production Planning

  • Material Reservation IPN Priority - Determines how material reservations identify inventory when making a reservation:

    • Prioritize Primary IPN Over Alternate IPNs - Prioritizes the primary IPN over any Alternate IPN linked to the Primary IPN during material reservation.

    • Treat Primary IPN and Alternate IPNs Equally - Treats the Primary IPN and any Alternate PIN linked to the Primary IPN as equals during material reservation.

  • FIFO Picking Strategy - Specifies the picking strategy: By Date and Time or By Date. (FIFO is taken into consideration when reserving the material, but you can opt to override it when set to Flexible UID.)

    • By Date treats all items received on the same date as equal, regardless of time

    • By Date and Time includes the time when calculating the FIFO time.

  • Auto Confirmation of Reservations Without Missing Parts - When set to True, users aren't required to confirm material reservations when there are no missing parts.

  • Default Transport Order Execution Type - Specifies how the system determines the time to activate transport orders by default:

    • Now - Activates transport orders as soon as they are created.

    • Duration - Activates transport orders on a specified time frame before a batch's scheduled start time. 

    • Default Transport Order Execution Duration - Specifies the amount of time before the scheduled start time of the batch when transport orders will be visible to stock room operators. 

    • Default Transport Order Execution Duration Units - Specifies the units of time used by the Default Transport Order Execution Duration option (Day, Hour, Shift).

  • Enforce AVL - When set to True, material found for material reservations is filtered to items that are related to a vendor that exists on the AVL. The AVL is determined by the AVL Strategy global option. When set to False, material vendors are ignored when creating material reservations.

  • Enforce AML - When set to True, material found for material reservations is filtered to items that are related to a manufacturer that exists on the AML. The AML is determined by the AML Strategy global option. When set to False, material manufacturers are ignored when creating material reservations.

  • Auto Resolve Alternate Part - When set to True, the system automatically uses the first available alternate IPN ordered by the precedence. (If not set, users can select the first alternate ordered by the precedence.) 

  • Reservation Strategy - Specifies the strategy used by the material reservation engine:

    • FIFO ensures that FIFO will be enforced, regardless of where material is located.

    • Location and FIFO make exceptions when the material is closer to where it will be used.

  • Transport Order Delivery Status

    • User Acknowledgement - Users must acknowledge when a transport order has been delivered.

    • Auto - The system acknowledges when the last item is picked on an order.

  • Picking List Strategy - Picking lists generated for material reservations are based on BOP/assignments or ERP. There are two ways FactoryLogix can determine a pick list for a production batch:

    • BOP/Assignments - The pick list is determined by the Bill of Process (BOP) or by the part assignments in the process revision.

    • ERP -The pick list is imported with the batch details as part of an xTend integration JOB-01.


The pick list is a behind-the-scenes item used to create kit groups for material reservations and transport.


  • Quantity Validation - Validates the quantity while picking bulk items.

    • Enter Quantity - Prompts users to enter a quantity manually.

    • Acknowledgement - Prompts users to acknowledge the quantity shown.

  • Reservation Recalculation - Reservation recalculations are Fixed or Re-plannable. If a material planner changes a schedule with reservations, it will check to see if the reservation needs to be recalculated based on this option. 

    • NA - Recalculations are not applicable to a material reservation.

    • Fixed - Reservation recalculations are fixed.

    • Re-Plan - When selected, the reservation will be recalculated if the current reservation has a missing part and will regenerate the reservation to see if those parts are available. (This option can be overridden on the line in the Factory Resources area of NPI).

  • Default Reservation Type - The default method used to reserve materials. (This option can be overridden on the part in the part master area.) UID and quantity-based reservations adhere to the material sorting mode defined in the Reservation Strategy global option.

    • UID - The entire UID is reserved, regardless of the quantity required. This option is useful for parts that are not easily divided into smaller quantities (surface mount reels, for example).

    • Quantity - The exact quantity of material is reserved independently of UID quantities. This option is useful for bulk items where an exact quantity of material is issued during kitting.

    • Flexible UID - Random UIDs are reserved during planning, but operators are free to choose any UID while picking material. This option is useful for situations where UID quantity is always 1, FIFO is unimportant, and locating individual UIDs is difficult for operators.

      See Set up the default reservation type for more information.


Mobile Logistics

  • Mobile Logistics Barcode Scanning Suffix - Specifies the set of characters at the end of a barcode scan (can be a combination of numeric, alpha-numeric, and decimal characters).

    FactoryLogix supports any decimal characters by the following method '<##>'. The < symbol indicates the start of a decimal character. The ## is the actual decimal number of the character. The > symbol indicates the end of the decimal character. Note that all decimal numbers are translated to their hexadecimal equivalents. 

    Supported decimal suffix characters

  • Mobile Logistics Barcode Scanning Prefix - Specifies the set of characters at the start of a barcode scan (can be a combination of numeric, alpha-numeric, and decimal characters).

    FactoryLogix supports any decimal characters by the following method '<##>'. The < symbol indicates the start of a decimal character. The ## is the actual decimal number of the character. The > symbol indicates the end of the decimal character. Note that all decimal numbers are translated to their hexadecimal equivalents.

  • User Must Confirm the Print-Out of a Label when Splitting Material - When set to True, users must select the Print button to print the new label, otherwise the label will be printed automatically when the UID is split.

  • User Must Confirm the Picking of Material During Transport Order Execution - When set tot True, a confirmation is required when a UID is picked during transport order execution.

  • User Must Confirm the Splicing of Materials - When set to True, a confirmation is required when splicing a pair of UIDs (reels).

  • User Must Confirm the Moving of Material Into Stock - When set to True, a confirmation is required when a UID is moved to storage.

  • User Must Confirm the Removal of Material From Stock - When set to True, a confirmation is required when a UID is removed from storage.

  • Preferred Language of inStock User Interface - Specifies the preferred language of the inStock user interface (English, Deutsch, or Chinese).


Receive Shipment

  • Auto-Print on Finish - When set to True, labels will print automatically when sending a shipment to a stock location. When set to False, the user will be required to print the label manually.

  • Auto-Print on Damaged Finish - When set to True, labels will print automatically when sending a damaged shipment to a stock location. When set to False, the user will be required to print the label manually.

  • Default Label Template - Automatically selects this template by default in the Receive Shipment area of Logistics. (This setting can be overridden by users who have permission to change shipping settings.)

  • Default Damaged Label Template - Automatically selects this template by default in the Receive Shipment area of Logistics. (This can be overridden by users who have permission to change shipping settings.)





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