Use Smart Text tags in email templates
You can use Smart Text Tags as placeholders in templates. When an email is sent, the Smart Text tags are replaced with data from a specific source. For example, Operation Name is a smart text field that looks like this when you are editing an email template: %Operation%. When viewed in the Production client application, the smart text tag is replaced with the actual operation name such as Stencil Printer, for example.
Here is an example of an email template created using Smart Text tags:
The following production batch requires your immediate approval:
The following table describes the available Smart Text tags you can use in email templates. For information about creating email templates with Smart Text tags, see Create an email template.
Menu command | Smart Text tag | Maps to: |
Approval Point Comment | <$ApprovalPointComment$> | A comment used in an approval email. |
Approval Point Name | <$ApprovalPointName$> | A defined approval point name in an approval process. |
Approval Point Type | <$ApprovalPointType$> | A defined approval point type. |
Area Name | <$AreaName$> | A defined area in a factory. |
Assembly Name | <$AssemblyAssociatedToProject$> | The name specified for an assembly when it was created in a project. |
Assembly Description | <$AssemblyDescription$> | The (optional) description specified for an assembly when it was created. See Create, modify, search, duplicate, or delete an assembly. |
Assembly ID(s) | <$AssemblyIds$> | The ID specified for an assembly when it was created. |
Assembly Name | <$AssemblyName$> | The name specified for an assembly when it was created. See Create, modify, search, duplicate, or delete an assembly. |
Assembly Name and Revision | <$AssemblyNameAndRevision$> | The name and revision level specified for an assembly when it was created. See Create, modify, search, duplicate, or delete an assembly. |
Assembly Revision | <$AssemblyRevision$> | The revision level specified for an assembly when it was created. See Create, modify, search, duplicate, or delete an assembly. |
Assembly RoHS | <$AssemblyRoHS$> | Specifies that an assembly is compliant with the Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) standard. |
Assigned Parts | <$Assigned_Parts$> | The parts assigned to an assembly or product. |
Assigned References | <$Assigned_References$> | The list of reference designators assigned to the current operation (if applicable). |
Barcode | <$Barcode$> | The barcode associated with a product or assembly. |
Batch Name | <$BatchName$> | The name of a batch. |
BOM Name | <$BOMName$> | The name of a BOM file associated with a product or assembly. |
Change Notice Name | <$ChangeNoticeName$> | The name/title of a change notice. |
Computer Name | <$ComputerName$> | The name of a computer/workstation. |
Customer | <$Customer$> | The name of a customer from the Customer Library. See Customer Library. |
ECAD ID | <$ECAD_ID$> | The ID of an ECAD file. |
ECAD Name | <$ECAD_Name$> | The name of an ECAD file. |
Expired Materials | <$ExpiredMaterialsTag$> | Used in an expired material alarm triggered email, returns a comma-separated list of expired UIDs. |
Factory Name | <$FactoryName$> | The name of a factory. See Create a factory and set up factory resources. |
Inspection Code | <$Inspection_Code$> | The inspection code associated with a possible defect or other problem found by inspectors or automated inspection equipment during manufacturing. |
Internal Part Number | <$InternalPartNumber$> | An Internal Part Number (IPN). |
Item Type Name | <$ItemTypeName$> | Item type is used by 3rd party systems to determine the type of item being updated or detailed in the email:
Line Name | <$LineName$> | The name of a factory line. |
Lot | <$Lot$> | The lot to which a batch belongs. |
NCR Action Plan Name | <$NCRActionPlan_Name$> | The action plan associated with a non-conformance. See Action plans. |
NCR Action Plan Status | <$NCRActionPlan_Status$> | The status of an action plan associated with a non-conformance. |
NCR Task Due Date | <$NCRTask_DueDate$> | The due date of a task associated with a non-conformance. |
NCR Task Instruction | <$NCRTask_Instruction$> | The name of a task instruction associated with a non-conformance. |
NCR Task Status | <$NCRTask_Status$> | The status of a task associated with a non-conformance. |
Non-Conformance Date Created | <$Non-ConformanceDateCreated$> | The date a non-conformance was created. |
Non-Conformance Disposition Decision | <$Non-ConformanceDispositionDecision$> | The disposition decision associated with a non-conformance. |
Non-Conformance Number | <$Non-ConformanceNumber$> | The record number (NCR#) associated with a non-conformance. |
Non-Conformance Originator | <$Non-ConformanceOriginator$> | The individual who initially reported a non-conformance. |
Non-Conformance Status | <$Non-ConformanceStatus$> | The current status of a non-conformance defined in the Production client application. |
Non-Conformance Title | <$Non-ConformanceTitle$> | The title of a non-conformance. |
Operation Group Name | <$OperationGroupName$> | The name of an operation group in a process definition. |
Operation Name | <$OperationName$> | The name of an operation in a process definition. |
Operator Feedback Note | <$OperatorFeedbackNote$> | Operator feedback notes. |
Order Name | <$OrderName$> | The name of an order. |
Process Activity Name | <$ProcessActivityName$> | The name of an activity in a process definition. |
Process Description | <$ProcessDescription$> | The description associated with a process definition. |
Process Flow Name | <$ProcessFlowName$> | The name of a process definition. |
Process Revision | <$ProcessRevision$> | The revision level of a process. |
Process Revision Creator | <$ProcessRevisionCreator> | The person who created a process revision level. |
Process Step Name | <$ProcessStepName$> | The name of a step in a process definition. |
Project Name | <$ProjectName$> | The name of a FactoryLogix project created in the NPI client application. |
System Date | <$SystemDate$> | The system date. |
System Time | <$SystemTime$> | The system time. |
Task Duration | <$TaskDuration$> | The anticipated amount of time required to complete the task. |
Task Name | <$TaskName$> | The name of a task. |
Task Required | <$TaskRequired$> | Specifies a task that is required in the flow. |
Task Scheduled End Date | <$TaskScheduledEndDate$> | The date a task is scheduled to end. |
Task Scheduled Start Date | <$TaskScheduledStartDate$> | The date a task is scheduled to start. |
User Name | <$UserName$> | The name of a user associated with a task. |
Workstation Name | <$WorkstationName$> | The name of a workstation. |
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