Import enterprise data into Power BI

Import enterprise data into Power BI

At both the site level and enterprise level, the Business Intelligence (BI) gateway utilizes the industry-standard Open Data (OData) protocol to transform data and prepare it for publishing. Using the gateway, you can publish FactoryLogix data from DataMiner or any other BI platform that supports OData such as Power BI, Oracle BI, SAP Crystal Reports, DOMO, Adobe Analytics, and others. You can also combine DataMiner data with ERP and PLM systems’ data to create robust, full-spectrum enterprise analytics and BI reports.

After your data is populated in the Enterprise Warehouse, you can extract the data to create enterprise-level reports and dashboards in your BI tool of choice. 



Our example uses Microsoft Power BI to import enterprise data from FactoryLogix. Depending on the BI tool your company uses to create charts and reports, the OData import steps may vary from the following example. 


  1. Start Power BI.

  2. Select Get Data > OData feed.

  3. In the dialog, enter the name of the enterprise warehouse website, for example: http://enterprisewarehouse:8080/Odata, then select OK.

    OData feed dialog

    The Power BI Navigator displays the available FactoryLogix data sets you can select and import as Odata.

    Power BI Data Navigator - available data sets

  4. Use the check boxes to select the data sets you want to import to Power BI, then select Load.

  5. To bring in data from another factory/site, go to the Enterprise BI website, select the site and the data sets you want to import, then repeat Steps 1–4.


Large data sets (for example yearly data from multiple factories) typically take longer to import than smaller data sets covering a shorter period of time.


  1. Manipulate the enterprise data as desired in Power BI to create your charts and reports.

    Sample Power BI Report using enterprise data from FactoryLogix


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