You can use Smart Text Tags as placeholders in templates. When an email is sent, the Smart Text tags are replaced with data from a specific source. For example, Operation Name is a smart text field that looks like this when you are editing an email template: %Operation%. When viewed in the Production client application, the smart text tag is replaced with the actual operation name such as Stencil Printer, for example.
Menu command | Smart Text tag | Maps to: |
Approval Point Comment | <$ApprovalPointComment$> | A comment used in an approval email. |
Approval Point Name | <$ApprovalPointName$> | A defined approval point name in an approval process. |
Approval Point Type | <$ApprovalPointType$> | A defined approval point type. |
Area Name | <$AreaName$> | A defined area in a factory. |
Assembly Name | <$AssemblyAssociatedToProject$> | The name specified for an assembly when it was created in a project. |
Assembly Description | <$AssemblyDescription$> | The (optional) description specified for an assembly when it was created. See Create, modify, search, duplicate, or delete an assembly. |
Assembly ID(s) | <$AssemblyIds$> | The ID specified for an assembly when it was created. |
Assembly Name | <$AssemblyName$> | The name specified for an assembly when it was created. See Create, modify, search, duplicate, or delete an assembly. |
Assembly Name and Revision | <$AssemblyNameAndRevision$> | The name and revision level specified for an assembly when it was created. See Create, modify, search, duplicate, or delete an assembly. |
Assembly Revision | <$AssemblyRevision$> | The revision level specified for an assembly when it was created. See Create, modify, search, duplicate, or delete an assembly. |
Assembly RoHS | <$AssemblyRoHS$> | Specifies that an assembly is compliant with the Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) standard. |
Assigned Parts | <$Assigned_Parts$> | The parts assigned to an assembly or product. |
Assigned References | <$Assigned_References$> | The list of reference designators assigned to the current operation (if applicable). |
Barcode | <$Barcode$> | The barcode associated with a product or assembly. |
Batch Name | <$BatchName$> | The name of a batch. |
BOM Name | <$BOMName$> | The name of a BOM file associated with a product or assembly. |
Change Notice Name | <$ChangeNoticeName$> | The name/title of a change notice. |
Computer Name | <$ComputerName$> | The name of a computer/workstation. |
Customer | <$Customer$> | The name of a customer from the Customer Library. See Customer Library. |
ECAD ID | <$ECAD_ID$> | The ID of an ECAD file. |
ECAD Name | <$ECAD_Name$> | The name of an ECAD file. |
Expired Materials | <$ExpiredMaterialsTag$> | Used in an expired material alarm triggered email, returns a comma-separated list of expired UIDs. |
Factory Name | <$FactoryName$> | The name of a factory. See Create a factory and set up factory resources. |
Inspection Code | <$Inspection_Code$> | The inspection code associated with a possible defect or other problem found by inspectors or automated inspection equipment during manufacturing. |
Internal Part Number | <$InternalPartNumber$> | An Internal Part Number (IPN). |
Item Type Name | <$ItemTypeName$> | Item type is used by 3rd party systems to determine the type of item being updated or detailed in the email:
Line Name | <$LineName$> | The name of a factory line. |
Lot | <$Lot$> | The lot to which a batch belongs. |
NCR Action Plan Name | <$NCRActionPlan_Name$> | The action plan associated with a non-conformance. See Action plans. |
NCR Action Plan Status | <$NCRActionPlan_Status$> | The status of an action plan associated with a non-conformance. |
NCR Task Due Date | <$NCRTask_DueDate$> | The due date of a task associated with a non-conformance. |
NCR Task Instruction | <$NCRTask_Instruction$> | The name of a task instruction associated with a non-conformance. |
NCR Task Status | <$NCRTask_Status$> | The status of a task associated with a non-conformance. |
Non-Conformance Date Created | <$Non-ConformanceDateCreated$> | The date a non-conformance was created. |
Non-Conformance Disposition Decision | <$Non-ConformanceDispositionDecision$> | The disposition decision associated with a non-conformance. |
Non-Conformance Number | <$Non-ConformanceNumber$> | The record number (NCR#) associated with a non-conformance. |
Non-Conformance Originator | <$Non-ConformanceOriginator$> | The individual who initially reported a non-conformance. |
Non-Conformance Status | <$Non-ConformanceStatus$> | The current status of a non-conformance defined in the Production client application. |
Non-Conformance Title | <$Non-ConformanceTitle$> | The title of a non-conformance. |
Operation Group Name | <$OperationGroupName$> | The name of an operation group in a process definition. |
Operation Name | <$OperationName$> | The name of an operation in a process definition. |
Operator Feedback Note | <$OperatorFeedbackNote$> | Operator feedback notes. |
Order Name | <$OrderName$> | The name of an order. |
Process Activity Name | <$ProcessActivityName$> | The name of an activity in a process definition. |
Process Description | <$ProcessDescription$> | The description associated with a process definition. |
Process Flow Name | <$ProcessFlowName$> | The name of a process definition. |
Process Revision | <$ProcessRevision$> | The revision level of a process. |
Process Revision Creator | <$ProcessRevisionCreator> | The person who created a process revision level. |
Process Step Name | <$ProcessStepName$> | The name of a step in a process definition. |
Project Name | <$ProjectName$> | The name of a FactoryLogix project created in the NPI client application. |
System Date | <$SystemDate$> | The system date. |
System Time | <$SystemTime$> | The system time. |
Task Duration | <$TaskDuration$> | The anticipated amount of time required to complete the task. |
Task Name | <$TaskName$> | The name of a task. |
Task Required | <$TaskRequired$> | Specifies a task that is required in the flow. |
Task Scheduled End Date | <$TaskScheduledEndDate$> | The date a task is scheduled to end. |
Task Scheduled Start Date | <$TaskScheduledStartDate$> | The date a task is scheduled to start. |
User Name | <$UserName$> | The name of a user associated with a task. |
Workstation Name | <$WorkstationName$> | The name of a workstation. |