Versions Compared


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Each gadget you add to a dashboard has specific properties you can configure. You can modify a gadget's properties by selecting the gadget, then selecting  View > Properties to display the Properties box.

Gadget propertiesImage RemovedGadget propertiesImage Added

Image RemovedImage Added Note



Select the Categorized

Categorized buttonImage Removed

image-20240827-162736.pngImage Added button or the Alphabetical

Alphabetical buttonImage Removed

image-20240827-162748.pngImage Added button in the Properties box to sort the properties for a selected gadget or other dashboard item.

When a gadget or other dashboard item has many properties across more than one Property pages, select the Property Pages

Image Removed

image-20240827-162759.pngImage Added button to see the additional properties.

The following table describes the property categories for gadgets and other items you can add to a dashboard. The properties you see in the Properties box for a selected item will vary depending on the selection, so not all items will contain all of the categories or individual properties shown in the table.

Property category



  • Name - The property name for the component.

  • Size - The size of the dashboard in pixels.

  • Aspect Ratio - This controls the aspect of the dashboard and can be set to Free Form, 4:3 or 16:9 ratios.


  • Display Alarm Details - Gets or sets to display the alarm details row.

  • Font - Gets or sets the font used to display the controls content.

  • Font Color - Sets the color of the font being used.

  • Display Columns - Used to set the flags controlling the optional columns to display.

  • Color Each Bar - Makes each data point a different color.

  • Horizontal Alignment - Sets whether the text alignment is set to align Center, Left or Right.

  • Show Border - Enables or disables the border around the gauge.

  • Vertical Alignment - Sets whether the text alignment is set to align Top, Middle or Bottom.

  • Gauge Type - This will set the type of gauge to display (for example, Circular, Bar, Linear) for the gauge selected.

  • Display Rows - Sets the flags to determine the optional rows to display in specific gauges.

  • Summarize Data - Determines if active WIP data will be summarized for a line or process group.


  • Series to Display - Sets the series to display specific behaviors of the gauge.

  • Sort Order - Sets the order of the series points and whether they are ascending or descending.

  • Sorting - Sets the order of the series points and whether they are ascending or descending.

BOP Setup Status

  • Invalid Status Background Color - Sets the background color for an invalid BOP setup status.

  • Invalid Status Foreground Color - Sets the foreground color for an invalid BOP setup status.

  • Invalid Status Text - Used to display the text for an invalid BOP setup.

  • Valid Status Background Color - Sets the background color for a valid BOP setup status.

  • Valid Status Foreground Color - Sets the foreground color for a valid BOP setup status.

  • Valid Status Text - Used to display the text for a valid BOP setup.


  • Name - The property name for the component.

  • Information Types to Display - Sets the types of information history to display.

  • Number of Messages to Display - Sets the number of the last messages to display.

  • Range Settings - Use to change the series point colors when the values are within the given range of values.

  • Most Critical Parts to Display - Sets the number of the most critical parts needed for replenishment.

  • Sorting - Sets the order of the series points and whether they are ascending or descending.

  • Status View - Sets the status view at design time to either valid or in-valid.

  • Maximum Jobs to Display - Sets the maximum number of jobs to display at one time.

  • Work Area - Sets the type of work area to use.

  • Defect Statuses to Display - Sets which defect statuses to display within the gauge.

  • Yield to Display - Sets the type of yield to display or either 1st Pass Yield, or 2nd Pass Yield.


  • Location Filter - The type of location filters to use and its value.

  • Time Standard - Sets the data source to real time or estimated time.

  • Attachment Points - Sets the attachment points to be displayed in the chart.

  • Filter By - Sets whether to return data per specific gauge properties.

  • Product Filters - Sets the type of product filters to use.

  • Number of Past Units Filter - Indicates whether the number of past units is enabled and the number of units to calculate for the gauge.

  • Display Value Type - Sets whether to display the inbound or the outbound number of units.

  • Data Source Name - Allows the data source name to be defined.

  • Data Source Type - Allows the data source type to be defined.


  • Location - The coordinates of the upper left corner (x and y) of the control relative to the upper left corner of its container.

  • Size - The size of the control in pixels for width and height.

  • Orientation - Determines whether the gauge is horizontal or vertical.

Limit Threshold

  • Display Limit Threshold Strip - Indicates whether the limit thresholds strip in enabled or disabled.

  • Limit Threshold Strip Color - Sets the color of the limit threshold strip.

  • Limit Threshold Strip Width - Sets the width of the limit threshold strip.

  • Limit Threshold Value - Sets the starting value of the limit threshold.

Machine State Status

  • Active Status Text - Sets the text to display for the active status.

  • Active Status Background Color - Sets the background color. 

  • Active Status Foreground Color - Sets the foreground color. 

  • Active Status Bar Color - Sets the bar color. 

  • Blocked Status Text - Sets the text to display for the blocked status. 

  • Blocked Status Background Color - Sets the background color. 

  • Blocked Status Foreground Color - Sets the foreground color. 

  • Blocked Status Bar Color - Sets the bar color. 

  • Down Status Text - Sets the text to display for the down status. 

  • Down Status Background Color - Sets the background color. 

  • Down Status Foreground Color - Sets the foreground color. 

  • Down Status Bar Color - Sets the bar color. 

  • Executing Status Text - Sets the text to display for the executing status. 

  • Executing Status Background Color - Sets the background color.

  • Executing Status Foreground Color - Sets the foreground color.

  • Executing Status Bar Color - Sets the bar color.

  • Idle Status Text - Sets the text to display for the idle status.

  • Idle Status Background Color - Sets the background color.

  • Idle Status Foreground Color - Sets the foreground color.

  • Idle Status Bar Color - Sets the bar color.

  • Off Status Text - Sets the text to display for the off status.

  • Off Status Background Color - Sets the background color.

  • Off Status Foreground Color - Sets the foreground color.

  • Idle Status Bar Color - Sets the bar color.

  • Setup Status Text - Sets the text to display for the setup status.

  • Setup Status Background Color - Sets the background color.

  • Setup Status Foreground Color - Sets the foreground color.

  • Setup Status Bar Color - Sets the bar color.

  • Starved Status Text - Sets the text to display for the starved status.

  • Starved Status Background Color - Sets the background color.

  • Starved Status Foreground Color - Sets the foreground color.

  • Starved Status Bar Color - Sets the bar color.

  • Unknown Status Text - Sets the text to display for the unknown status.

  • Unknown Status Background Color - Sets the background color.

  • Unknown Status Foreground Color - Sets the foreground color.

  • Unknown Status Bar Color - Sets the bar color.


  • Font - Gets or sets the font used to paint the text.

  • Back Color - Sets the color of the background color. 

  • Border Color - Sets the color of the border surrounding the gauge text. 

  • Active Serial Number Only - Sets whether to display active serial numbers only.


  • Dashboard Link - Sets a link to a dashboard to be displayed when the component is left clicked with the mouse.

  • Display By - Sets the item type to group and display the faults for the specific gauge.

  • Point Display Settings - Sets how data points will be displayed in the series.

  • Display Percentage - Indicates whether the series point values will be displayed as a percentage.

  • Item Type - Sets the item type to display specific to the gauge selected.

  • Number of Most Critical Items - Sets the number of the most critical items to retrieve and display specific to the gauge.

  • Show Value Labels - Indicates whether the series point value labels will be displayed.

  • Display Identifier - Indicates whether the attachment point identifier will be displayed with the name in the X axis label.

  • Time Range Value - Sets the historical time range to display in seconds.

  • Update Time Interval - Sets the time interval for updating the chart in milliseconds.

  • Display Defect Code Name - Indicate whether the defect code name will be displayed along with the defect code in the X axis.

  • Point Display Settings - Sets how data points will be displayed in the gauge series.

Chart Name

  • Report Name - The name of the published report that was selected from data miner.

  • Chart Name - The name of the published chart that was selected from data miner.

Data Refresh Rate

  • Refresh Rate - The rate at which the data for a chart or report will update (refresh).