Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

This topic describes the typical steps to define a new assembly and shows you how to import and format a Bill of Materials (BOM). FactoryLogix uses a series of wizard pages to guide you through the steps to create a new product or assembly in the NPI client application. 


  1. Log into the NPI client application.

  2. Select Process Engineering Process Engineering button New Assembly.

    New Assembly wizard page

  3. Enter a name for the New Assembly, then enter a value for the New Assembly Revision level.

  4. To associate a customer with this assembly, select a name from the Customer drop-down or select the Add Add button button, enter a new customer name, then select OK.


Configure-to-Order (CTO) represents a customer's ability to define the configuration of a product when they order it and a manufacturer to subsequently build that product configuration dynamically when they receive the order.

  1. If this assembly is a Configure-To-Order assembly, select the Is a Configurable Assembly (Will be a configure-to-order / CTO assembly) check box.

  2. If this assembly is required to pass Restriction of Hazardous Materials (RoHS) compliance, select the RoHS check box.

  3. Enter a Description for the assembly.


  1. Select New BOM/CAD if you want to import a BOM file and CAD file for this assembly or select Copy From Existing Assembly to quickly reuse an existing BOM and CAD, then select the assembly from the list and select OK.

  2. Enter a New Process Revision level.

  3. Select New Process to create a new process definition for this assembly or select Copy from Existing Assembly to copy a process definition from an existing assembly, select the assembly name from the list that displays, then select OK.

  4. Select Next.

Select new process options


If you did not select New Process in the previous procedure, skip to the next topic, Load Design Files.

If you selected New Process in the previous procedure, the wizard adds the New Process Options page automatically. On this page, you specify a template for the process definition, the product tracking mode, route enforcement options, a profile for post-release editing, and (if desired) a project to associate the new process definition with for the assembly.

  1. On the New Process Options page, select a template for the process definition (if one is available), or select No Template if you plan to create a new process definition for this assembly.

    New Process OPtions dialog

  2. Select the Product Tracking ModeSerialized, Non-Serialized, or Hybrid.


The Hybrid tracking mode tracks (in order) non-serialized, then serialized products.

  1. Determine if you need route enforcement for this assembly, then select Disabled, Warn, or Enabled.


A Lock Down profile specifies the parts of a process definition that can be edited and the parts that are locked down (non-editable) after being released to production.

  1. If you plan to allow Post-Release Editing of this assembly, select a previously-defined Lock Down profile from the drop-down to apply it to the assembly or create a new profile: 

    1. To create a Lock Down profile for this assembly, select the gear icon, select the AddAdd button button, enter a name for the profile, then select OK

    2. Use the check boxes to select the parts of the process definition you want to lock down (that is, prevent others from editing), then select OK.

  2. To associate this process definition with a project, select the Browse (...) button, locate and select the project, then select OK.

  3. Select Finish.

Load design files

The Load Design Files page is where you select a BOM and other supporting files for a new assembly. When you import files and folders, options at the top of the page are available to help you organize, select, and/or remove the necessary files and folders for the new assembly: View Item, Remove Item, Undo Delete, Select All, Remove All, Select Group, Remove Group. The available options depend on the files or folders selected on the page; use the check boxes to select or deselect specific files.


  1. Under Parsing Options, do one of the following to format the text file:

    • Select Fixed Width to create fixed-width columns for the BOM data, then enter the desired column width.

    • Select Delimited, then use the drop-down to select the delimiter used in the BOM file to separate the various data values (comma, semicolon, colon, bar, tab, double tab, space, or double space).


      If a delimited character isn't listed, you can enter it in the Delimited drop-down.

  2. To save your text formatting for use with other text-based BOM files you import, select the Save Save buttonImage Removed buttonSave buttonImage Added button, enter a Template Name, then select OK.
    BOM Text Formatting pageImage Removed


    BOM Text Formatting pageImage Added



If you apply a template to a text-based BOM but then decide you don't want to use the template, select the Delete 


Delete buttonImage Added button.

  1. When you finish formatting the BOM text, select Next to move to the BOM Formatting page where you can make additional modifications.

BOM worksheet selection

When you import a worksheet-based BOM file containing more than one tab/worksheet to use for a new process definition, the BOM Worksheet Selection option displays in the Process Definition wizard.

  1. After you select the BOM worksheet file, select BOM Worksheet Selection on the left side of the wizard page.

    Select the BOM Worksheet Selection optionImage Removed

    Select the BOM Worksheet Selection optionImage Added

    The BOM Worksheet Selection page displays, allowing you to select the desired BOM worksheet for this assembly. The following illustration shows an Excel file BOM with two worksheets: AEGIS_CONSOLE$ and Sheet 1$.

    BOM Worksheet Selection pageImage Removed

    BOM Worksheet Selection pageImage Added

  2. Under Worksheets, select the worksheet that contains the BOM data for this assembly.

    The Preview pane on the right side of the window shows you what the worksheet BOM looks like before further editing.

  3. Select Next to move to the next wizard page.


FactoryLogix has powerful tools to help you clean BOM files of non-essential information and add formatting to make the BOM easier to read and use. When you format one type of BOM, FactoryLogix has the ability to "remember" the cleaning process—that cleaning process can be applied automatically in the future for similar BOM files, saving you valuable time and effort. 




Before making BOM formatting changes, we recommend you review the sub-topics in this section to understand the BOM cleaning tools, row and column editing options, and how the Action Recorder records and saves your BOM editing changes for future reuse.

  1. On the BOM Formatting page, right-click a row, then select an editing option (Add Text, Edit Reference, Merge, Filter, and so on).

  2. Right-click a column, then select a new column definition or remove a selected definition from the BOM.

    BOM Formatting pageImage Removed

    BOM Formatting pageImage Added

  3. Select the row containing the column headers, then select the Map Row to Column Headers tool.

  4. In the Map Column Headers dialog, select BOM rows to map to specific columns.

  5. (Optional) After the columns are assigned, you can delete the header row automatically by selecting the Delete Header Row check box in the lower-left corner of the window.

    Map Column Headers dialogImage Removed

    Map Column Headers dialogImage Added

  6. After you make the desired column mapping changes, select OK.
    BOM Formatting page twoImage Removed

    BOM formattingImage Added

  7. When you finish formatting the BOM file, select Next.


There are multiple tools and editing options available to help you format and clean up imported BOM data.




  • You can use the toolbar buttons or right-click rows and columns to access editing options.

  • Drag between two column headers to make a column wider or narrower.

  • Standard Cut, Copy, and Paste editing commands are available for selected cells when you right-click a cell (you can undo these actions using Ctrl+Z).

Edit rows

Editing rows



Removes all rows that contain the specified text from the selected cell in a column.

Filter Matching Options specify the position of the filter text within the search:

  • Starts With - If the specified filter text appears at the beginning of a cell, the entire row is removed

  • Contains - If the specified filter text appears anywhere within a cell in the selected column, the entire row is removed

  • Ends With - If the specified filter text appears at the end of a cell, the entire row is removed

    Filter Rows dialogImage Removed

    Filter Rows dialogImage Added

Map Row to Column Headers

Maps the row of headers at the top of the BOM that define the data in each column to informational rows to define each column in the BOM.

  1. Select the row containing the informational headers (if it exists), then select Map Row to Column Headers on the toolbar.

    BOM Formatting pageImage Removed

    BOM Formatting pageImage Added

  2. FactoryLogix analyzes the row and automatically determines the contents of the column.

    The results are shown in the Map Column Headers dialog.

    Map Column Headers dialogImage Removed

    Map Column Headers dialogImage Added

  3. If necessary, modify the information further if desired using the Column Definition drop-downs to map different or additional column headers.


    You can also modify individual column definitions on the BOM Formatting page by right-clicking a column header and selecting a new column definition from the menu.

  4. (Optional) Right-click a column header to display commands for sorting, filtering, improving column fit, and searching column data.

    Map Column Headers dialog editing menu

    • Sort Ascending - Sorts all column data in A-Z order.

    • Sort Descending - Sorts all column data in Z-A order.

    • Clear Sorting - Removes all sorting from column data and returns it to its original order.

    • Group by This Column - Groups data by the selected column.

    • Show Group Panel - Displays the message "Drag a column header here to group by that column". You can drag any column header onto the message to group by that column. When you see a Red X, the grouping is performed.

    • Hide Group Panel - Hides the grouping panel and message at the top of the dialog.

    • Show Column Chooser - Displays a dialog to show you which column is currently selected for grouping.

    • Best Fit - Fits selected column data to an ideal width.

    • Best Fit (all columns) - Fits all column data to an ideal width.

    • Filter Editor - Displays a dialog where you can specify filtering criteria for BOM data.


      The Filter Editor is also used in DataMiner (Analytics) and the Trace window (Production) For details about using the Filter Editor, see Filter column data.

      Filter Editor for BOM column data

      Show Search Panel - Displays the Search bar so you can search the selected column for specific data.

  5. When you are satisfied with the BOM column data, select OK to return to the BOM Formatting page.

Delete Rows

Deletes selected rows of data from the BOM.


Editing columns


Add Text

Adds a prefix or suffix to the text in a selected column. Empty cells in the column will also contain the prefix or suffix automatically.

  • Select Add Text, enter the desired text, then specify the position of the new text (Before or After the selected cell).

    Add Text dialogImage Removed

    Add Text dialogImage Added

Fill Down

In some cases, BOM line items span multiple rows, but not every column's data is repeated in each row.

  • Select a column, then select Fill Down. Any blank cell is filled with the data from above.

Delete Column

Removes a selected column from the imported BOM.


Merges two or more selected columns of data into a single column.

You can also remove the original columns after the merge.

Merge Columns dialog


Divides a single selected column into two or more columns and splits the column at the selected characters.

Split Columns dialog

You can also remove the original columns after the split.


Searches for and replaces the specified text from the selected cell to all the cells in the column that contain the specified text.

You can match whole words only and/or match replacement text by case.

Replace dialog

Create IPN Column

Allows you to create a new column from the selected column. The data in the new column may be appended with a prefix or suffix. 

Create IPN Column dialogImage Removed

Create IPN Column dialogImage Added

Merge Existing References

Allows you to merge the references from an existing BOM with the imported BOM (primarily used for non-PCB assemblies).


  1. Use the Back and Next buttons to review your selections for the assembly.

  2. When you are finished making changes and you are ready to import the files for the new assembly, select Import.

    Finish Import pageImage Removed

    Finish Import pageImage Added

    The BOM and other supporting files for the assembly are imported and the BOM node of the Process Tree is selected in the Process Definition window. Any BOM validation errors or warnings are displayed at the bottom of the screen.

    BOM errors
