Versions Compared


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When there are multiple revisions to an Internal Part Number, you may want to change the order of revisions (for example, you need to revert to an older IPN part revision for an atypical manufacturing run). 

  1. Log into the NPI client application.

  2. Select Libraries  > Libraries buttonImage Added > Part Library.

  3. On the Internal Part Number tab, select the part revision you want to change, then select the Reorder Revisions  button Reorder Revisions buttonImage Added button.

  4. Use the arrows to change the order of the part revisions, then select OK.

    The newer part revision is typically at the top of the list, but in some cases, you may need to use an older revision for manufacturing. The revision at the top of the list is the only revision displayed on the Internal Part Number tab.

    Reorder Revisions dialogImage Removed

    Reorder Revisions dialogImage Added