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  1. Log into the Production client application.

  2. Select Advanced Features > Change Product to display the Change Product window.

    Change Product windowImage Removed

    Change Product windowImage Added

  3. To search for the source batch, select the Search button Search buttonImage Modified (the binoculars) under Change Product on the left side of the window.

    The Search options are displayed.

    image-20240828-211533.pngImage Removed

    Change Product search optionsImage Added

    You can search by work order, batch, assembly, or serial number. (Batch is selected by default.) There are also additional search parameters to help you find specific items you want to move to the destination batch. See the following table for details.

Search tab option


By Work Order buttonImage Modified By Work Order

Searches for a source batch by work order.

By Batch buttonImage Modified By Batch 

Searches for a source batch by batch name.

By Assembly buttonImage Modified By Assembly 

Searches for a source batch by assembly name.

By Serial Number buttonImage Modified By Serial Number 

Searches for a source batch by serial number.

Add Date Filter buttonImage Modified Add Date Filter 

Searches for a source batch with the added criteria of Start Date and End Date parameters you specify and an Add Date Filter check box you select to use the date filtering criteria you specify in the search.

Show Text Options

Displays text search options to help you find the desired batch more quickly: 

  • Exact Search buttonImage Modified Exact Search - Searches for the exact name you enter.

  • Starts With buttonImage Modified Starts With - Searches for a name that starts with the characters you enter.

  • Ends With buttonImage Modified Ends With - Searches for a name that ends with the characters you enter.

Delete Batch buttonImage Modified Delete Batch

Deletes the selected source batch.



Use the Delete Batch button with caution!

  1. Enter the source batch identifier (work order, batch, assembly, or serial number), then select the Search button Search buttonImage Modified (the binoculars).


  2. When the desired batch is located, select the Select button Select button (the check mark).

    Source Batch window

  3. Under New Batch on the right side of the window, select the Search Search button button (the binoculars) to search for and select the destination batch (where you want to move the source batch item(s) you selected).

    Just like with the source batch Search options, you can search by work order, batch, assembly, or serial number and use date and text filtering options. (Batch is selected by default.)

  4. Select the desired destination batch, then select the Select Search button button (the check mark) to confirm your choice.

    The destination batch name you selected displays next to New Batch at the top of the window.

  5. (Optional) To change a product identifier before moving it to the selected destination batch, select the desired product under Filter Results, select the Change Identifier Change Identifier button button to the right of Filter Results, enter a new identifier inn the dialog, then select OK

    Change Identifier dialogImage Removed

    Change Identifier dialogImage Added

  6. Under Filter Results on the left side of the window, locate and select the item(s) to move from the source batch to the destination batch, then select the Send to Right Send to Right button button (the right arrow).

    Every tracked item with an incomplete route in FactoryLogix has an expected operationWhen you move a product to a new batch, you need to specify an inbound (expected)  operation to tell FactoryLogix where in the new process flow the item should be started. 


You can specify the Inbound Operation, Exit Pathway, and Pathway Status options for each item individually or select multiple items (bulk selection) in the Apply to Selected table using Shift+click or Ctrl+click, then apply the options to all selected items simultaneously using the drop-downs located above the table.

Multi-select drop-down

  1. On the right side of the window, select the item(s) you moved from the source batch, then select the inbound operation from the drop-down in the Inbound Operation column of the table.


In the following example, all of the units will be moved into a new batch, but only these two belong at the Hand Placement operation.Image Removed


Column filtering options for source and destination batches

For both the source and destination batches (and the Search feature), there are column filtering options that allow you to sort and filter product information a number of ways. When you right-click a column header on either side of the Change Product window or in the Search box, these options are available to sort and filter product data:Column editing commands in the Change Product windowImage Removed


Column menu command


Sort Ascending

Sorts column data in ascending order (A-Z).

Sort Descending

Sorts column data in descending order (Z-A).

Clear Sorting

Removes all previously-applied sorting of column data.

Group By This Column

Adds this column to the grouping.

You can also drag a column to the header area to group the data. After columns are grouped, you can drag and drop them in any order.

Show/Hide Group Panel

Shows or hides the column group panel above the columns.

Show Column Chooser

Opens the customization dialog where you can select only those columns you want to be visible.

Best Fit

Resizes a column width to the widest entry in that column.

Best Fit (all columns)

Resizes all column widths so that the widest entry in each column is visible.

Filter Editor


For detailed information about using the Filter Editor commands, see Filter column data with the Filter Editor.

Allows you to filter a column using various statements and values:

Filter Editor menu commandsImage Removed

Filter Editor menu commandsImage Added

Show Search Panel

Displays a search box where you can enter search keywords and terms.

When you select the Find button, your search terms are highlighted in the data table (if found).