Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
  1. To access Logistics, log into the FactoryLogix website (see Log into the website for details.)
    FactoryLogix website login screenImage Removed


    iconfalsetitleNote:FactoryLogix website login screenImage Added


The Remember Me check box is controlled by a user permission in NPI. When the permission is disabled, you will be warned at login time that your session

will not 

will not be remembered.

Image Removed

Image Added

  1. Select Logistics to display the Logistics main functions.



Use the left arrow

left arrow buttonImage Removed

image-20240820-150330.pngImage Added and right arrow

right arrow buttonImage Removed

image-20240820-150338.pngImage Added buttons to toggle the display of Logistics menu commands on the left side of the window at any time. Use the menu

Logistics main menu buttonImage Removed

image-20240820-150412.pngImage Added button to display or hide the FactoryLogix main menu at the top of the window.

Logistics main functionsImage Removed

Logistics main functionsImage Added