Install and start the inForce application
Enable Windows 10 application sideloading
If you're unfamiliar with Universal Windows Platform (UWP) applications, you can learn more about them in this Microsoft document: What's a Universal Windows Platform (UWP) app?
To install the inForce UWP application on a Windows 10 workstation, you need to enable application sideloading.
In the lower-right corner of the Windows 10 Home screen, select the Settings icon located to the right of the system date/time.
Select All Settings, then select Update & Security.
Select the option For developers on the left side of the window.
Select the Sideload apps option, then close the window.
Install the inForce UWP application on your Windows 10 computer.
The appxbundle supplied by Aegis contains the inForce UWP application and all required dependencies.
Start the application and view inForce device status
After you install the inForce application, you're ready to specify the xLink Server you want to connect to.
Start the inForce application.
In the Configured Devices window, enter the name of the xLink Server, then select the check mark to save the server.
Select the Add Remote Devices button on the left side of the window, then select the desired inForce units as shown in the following illustration.
Select the Home button to display the current status of the selected inForce devices.
The panel representing the inForce unit(s) you've selected will indicate, at a glance, the status by coloring that section of the screen.
Color | Status |
White | Waiting for Unit / Acquiring Barcode |
Yellow | Offline (unable to connect to xLink Server) |
Blue | Bypass Mode |
Green | Transferring Unit / Transfer Pending |
Red | Error |
inForce status examples
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