(de) The Fiducials Tab (2)

(de) The Fiducials Tab (2)

The Fiducials tab is used to teach the fiducial shapes and allow you to select options to maximize machine throughput.


Universal Setup dialog - Fiducials tab





Import Optimizer

This offers you several importing options to optimize throughput on the machine:

  • No Nozzle Changes - The optimizer won't change any nozzles if possible.

  • No Feeder Duplication - The optimizer won't duplicate feeders to ensure better throughput.

  • Use Current Feeders - The optimizer won't change any feeder locations.

  • Fit Feeders - Th eoptimizer will attempt to fit all feeders on the machine, even if it reduces throughput.

  • Do Not Use Shuttle Feeder - The optimizer will ignore a mounted shuttle.

  • Use Machine Nozzles Only - The optimizer will use the nozzles that were defined for changes and heads in Machine Configuration instead of the Heaad Setup screen.

Consult your Universal machine documentation for details about the import optimizer options.

Machine Database Name

The name of the machine database used to import data into the Universal GSM software.

Machine Save Path

The path to the location where the product will be saved after importing data into the Universal GSM software.



Use the Save As Default Save As Default button button to save all fiducial information you define as default settings so you can use them again.


Machine Configuration Name

Enter a name to save this machine configuration, then select the Save As Default button to save all your settings.


This area of the dialog is where you define each fiducial including its shape, color, dimensions, coordinates, and otehr fiducail details.

Consult your Universal machine documentation for details about the Fiducials options.


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