(de) BOM to BOM comparison
Performing a BOM to BOM comparison can help process engineers quickly identify differences between two assemblies or two assembly revisions, down to the part level.
Log into the FactoryLogix Office client application.
Select Process Engineering > Product Comparisons.
On the BOM to BOM tab, select the ellipsis (...) to the right of the Assembly A drop-down.
Use the Search options in the Please select an Assembly dialog to locate the assemblies you want to compare. You can search by assembly or customer and also filter by date.
Select the desired assembly, then select OK.
Repeat Step 3 by selecting the ellipsis (...) next to the Assembly B drop-down.
Repeat Step 4 and Step 5 to locate Assembly B for the comparison.
You can also use the Assembly A and Assembly B drop-downs to select assemblies for comparison.
The results of the BOM to BOM comparison are shown under Comparison Results.
Use the Options selections in the upper-right corner of the window to further refine the comparison results displayed in the window. You can filter by Part Numbers, and/or References. You can also choose to display or hide comparisons for Quantities, Revision Information, and whether to include Moved Line Items.
As you change the Options selections, notice how the Comparison Results data changes dynamically. If you make a selection and no differences between the two BOMs are found, you will see Comparison: No difference found next to the line items for each Comparison Group. When differences between the two BOM files are found, the Comparison Group expands automatically and line-by-line details are displayed under BOMs at the bottom of the window.To open and inspect a BOM for one of the assemblies, select the Open BOM
button at the bottom of the window.
To open the Comparison Details for one of the assemblies, select the Open in New Window
To print the BOM to BOM comparison details, select the Print
In the Print Preview window, make the desired selections for printing and/or saving the BOM to BOM comparison file. You can also use the toolbar buttons at the top of the Print Preview window to export (in a variety of formats), save, and/or email the comparison file to others in your organization.
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