The Receive Shipment function allows you to track incoming shipments and transfer them to the relevant stock area of the warehouse. You can link incoming shipment tracking numbers (if available) to purchase orders, then move materials to the appropriate stock staging areas in the factory. Incoming shipments are scanned into the warehouse, labeled, and directed to their warehouse destination. Damaged shipments are identified, labeled accordingly, and optionally sent to a problem rack.
When you use the Receive Shipment function, there are multiple search options you can select when scanning the barcodes of incoming shipments: you can search for purchase orders only, search for tracking numbers only, or search for both.
When you scan a barcode, the system responds accordingly:
If a purchase order is found, a tracking number is linked to it.
If a purchase order is found and no tracking number is linked to it, you can enter the tracking number manually.
If no purchase order is found, you can scan or enter the tracking number.
If you enter a tracking number, you can scan or or look up the purchase order number.
If a purchase order is found, the WBS status is changed to Closed to Material and you need to send the material to the problem rack.
After an outcome is assigned by the system, you can print the correct barcode label to direct the materials to the appropriate staging areas. The system will prompt you to send any damaged/defective shipments to a problem rack if necessary. If the label printed in the receiving shipment area was damaged or didn't print correctly, you can use the Re-Print Label function to reprint a label by entering a purchase order (PO) line item or a tracking number.
Log into the FactoryLogix website and select Logistics.
Select Receive Shipment on the left side of the window.
Do one of the following:
Scan or enter the UID for the tracking number or purchase order number for the shipment, then select the Submit button.
When you select a purchase order, the system looks for an associated tracking number and prompts you to confirm it by selecting the Submit
button under Tracking Number. If you scan or enter a PO number that doesn't have a tracking number or has multiple tracking numbers associated to it, you are prompted to enter the correct tracking number, then select the Submit button under Tracking Number.If you don't know the purchase order number, select the Lookup Purchase Order Number button (the magnifying glass). Use the filtering selections to help locate the desired PO (you can filter by: Purchase Order Number, WBS Number, Vendor, Part Number, Order Status, and Anticipated Date From/To). When you locate the correct purchase order, use the Select button to confirm your choice.
A Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) identifies important details behind each activity in the manufacturing process. Project managers can use WBS information to eliminate unknowns and to identify variables that could impact manufacturing progress. Please note that WBS information can only be added to FactoryLogix by using an xTend integration.
Select the Lookup Staging Location button (the magnifying glass).
Select the desired Stock Resource and Staging Location, then select the Select button to confirm your selections.
Select the Send to Staging Location button. If the send action is successful, a confirmation message displays.
If the current workstation or label printer isn't set, the following message displays.Select the Shipment Settings button (the gear).
Select the desired label template, damaged label template, the default stock resource, and the default damaged stock location, then select the Save button to save your selections.
Select the Send to Staging Location button.
If the shipment is damaged, select the Damaged Shipment button.
(Optional) Take a picture of the package and provide a description of the problem in the Detailed Description field.
The staging location will be pre-populated with the assigned staging location associated to the PO line item.(Optional) If necessary, set the staging location to the Damaged Location problem rack (specified in the Shipment Settings pop-up).