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The following options and settings are available for manual archiving and auto archiving. 

  1. Log into

  1. the NPI

  1.  client application.

  2. Select System

Configuration System Configuration buttonImage Removed 
  1. Configuration System Configuration buttonImage Added Archiving to display the Archive Settings and Scheduling window.

Archive Settings and Scheduling windowImage Removed

  1. Archive Settings and Scheduling windowImage Added

Archive database



Enable Archiving and Restoring

Turns data archiving on or off. Set this flag


to True


 to turn on archiving.

Archive Database Connection

Select the current value to display a database selection window.

Database selection for archivingImage Removednote

Select a database for archivingImage Added

Select the server and the empty database you created for archiving. After making and saving changes to this setting, the system will implement the Archive Database structure to this database (if it is blank).





If you select a current Archive Database, no changes will be made. If you select any other type of database, an error will display and no changes will be made.

Archive Server Name

Enter the computer name that is hosting the Archive service.

Archive Server Port

Enter the port used to connect to the Archive service (enter a value between 1024 and 65525). The default port is 6064.

The port should not be any existing port FactoryLogix uses. We recommend contacting Aegis Technical Support before you change this port.




For a complete list of default port settings, see FactoryLogix default port settings.

Operation Time

Select the value to display a selection form for times and days of the week when the Archive service can archive queued records. (Leaving all selections blank allows the service to run continuously.)

Archive scheduling optionsImage Removediconfalsetitle

Archive scheduling optionsImage Added

Pause Time

Enter a time (in seconds) to pause between archiving and restoring work intervals. The default is 0 (no pause). The maximum time is 300 seconds.

Success Notification Email Address

Enter an email address to send an email notification whenever a record is archived or restored successfully.




This field is not required.

General archiving



Enable Assembly and Process Archiving and Restoring

Enables or disables archiving and restoring of assemblies and processes.

Enable Batch/GRN Archiving and Restoring

Enables or disables archiving and restoring of batches and GRNs.

Enable Restoring Individual Units

Enables or disables archiving and restoring of individual units from an archived batch.

If Batch/GRN Archiving and Restoring is disabled, you should also disable this setting.

Enable Machine Performance Data Restoring and Rearchiving

Enables or disables restoring and rearchiving of machine performance data.




Machine performance data can only be archived automatically, but if you restore it manually, you can then rearchive it manually.

Batch/GRN auto archiving



Enable Batch/GRN Auto Archiving

Enables (True) or disables (False) auto archiving of batches and GRNs.

Archive Batches/GRNs After Time Period

Specify the time period to wait before Auto Archiving Batches/GRNs.

Image Removed

Archive After Time Period dialogImage Added

Evaluate Batches/GRNs to Archive Rate

Specify how often the system will search for eligible Batches/GRN to queue for Auto Archiving.

Image Removed

Image Added

Archive Batches/GRNs Only When the Status is "Closed"

Specify whether Batches and GRNs must be Closed to be considered for auto archiving (True/False).

Archive Batches/GRNs Only When All UIDs are Completed

Specify whether Batch/GRN UIDs must be completed to be considered for auto archiving (True/False).

Materials auto archiving



Enable Materials Auto Archiving

Enable (True) or disable (False) auto archiving of materials.

Archive Materials After Time Period

Specify the time period to wait before auto archiving materials.

Evaluate Materials to Archive Rate

Specify how often the system will search for eligible materials to queue for auto archiving.

Evaluate Materials to Archive RateImage Removed

Evaluate Materials to Archive RateImage Added

Materials Must Not be in Stock

Specify whether materials that are depleted must also be out of stock to queue for auto archiving (True/False).

Archive Materials Only When its Status is "Depleted"

Specify whether to require materials to have a Depleted status to queue for auto archiving (True/False).

Machine performance data auto archiving



Enable Machine Performance Data Auto Archiving

Enable (True) or disable (False) auto archiving of machine performance data.

Archive Machine Performance Data After Time Period

Specify the time period to wait before auto archiving machine performance data.

Archive Machine Performance Data After Time PeriodImage Removed

Archive Machine Performance Data After Time PeriodImage Added

Evaluate Machine Performance Data to Archive Rate

Specify how often the system will search for eligible machine performance data to queue for auto archiving.

Evaluate Machine Performance Data to Archive RateImage Removed

Evaluate Machine Performance Data to Archive RateImage Added