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If the BarTender/FactoryLogix integration isn't working properly, you can turn on logging in both applications and use the log file data to find and correct the error. There are also options to set up and print BarTender log files.


Select Help in any dialog to view more information about BarTender dialog options. You can also select Help > BarTender Help or Help > Knowledge Base from the BarTender main window for assistance using BarTender.

  1. Open the BarTender application and select Administer > Log Setup.

  2. Select the log type you want: Log Messages and/or Log Print Job Information.

    Log Setup dialog

  3. Select Setup next to one or both log types.

  4. In the dialog, specify the desired options for log messages and/or log print jobs such as the folder where log files will be saved, the file output type, file encoding, and log print job headers and footers.

    Print Job Text File Log Setup

    Text File Log Message Setup dialog


In either dialog, you can select View locate and view existing log files. Select View Last to display the last log file created. Select Delete All if you want to delete all existing BarTender log files.

  1. (For log messages) In the Text File Log Message Setup dialog, use the Select button under Messages to display a dialog where you can select the message types to include in your BarTender log files log files (Warning, Error, and Informational) to help you troubleshoot errors, then select OK to return to the Setup dialog.

    Select Messages - dialog

  2. When you finish setting up log messages and log file print job options, select OK to return to the BarTender main window.

    See the BarTender documentation on the Seagull Scientific website for detailed log file information so you can make the most of your log files.


In the FactoryLogix Server Management, you can set up application logging against the FactoryLogix_Production.exe application. These logs will produce results if errors occur within the Aegis software. However, when troubleshooting against the BarTender application, the most helpful logs will come from BarTender log files.

Things to look for when troubleshooting:

  • The default printer is set up correctly for BarTender template files.

  • BarTender is correctly licensed and not running in demo mode.

  • Bartender should be opened on the server where it is installed, not the client PC running FactoryLogix Production.

  • BarTender is running on a Web Server.

  • Client computers can ping and telnet into the BarTender Web Server.

  • BarTender has access to the default printer and can successfully produce a test print from the BarTender application.

  • When you select Print Labels in FactoryLogix Production, Windows Task Manager successfully opens bartend.exe *32 in processes.