FactoryLogix Office machine interfaces use a combination of machine properties and machine setup options to generate a machine program file.
You'll typically specify machine properties and setup options once and only modify them when changes are required or if your machine program contains errors.
The Properties dialog options (accessed by selecting the Edit Properties
button (the Yellow gear in the Machine List window) let FactoryLogix know the model and options of your specific machine and provide access to editable library data loaded on the machine. Think of the Properties dialog as the place where you make changes that affect every assembly you will process—not just the assembly you're presently working on.The Setup dialog (accessed when you select Part Management & Troubleshooting under Machine List, then select the Setup
button is where you see data specific to the assembly you are working on . All components assigned to the selected machine are displayed in the Setup dialog.The Clear Setup button erases machine setup settings.
The Clear Setup button can be very useful. If there are problems with the generated program, use the Clear Setup button and proceed through the machine interface again to address potential rotational, location, and assignment problems.