Create an alarm reaction
Before you can create an alarm, you need to create alarm reactions.
Log into the Analytics client application, then select Alarms.
Select the Alarm Reactions tab.
Select the Add New button at the top of the window, enter a Name and optional Description for the reaction.
Select the reaction type from the Event Type drop-down.
For example, for a simple email reaction, enter Send Email in the Name field, select the Mail event type, then select OK.
Once added, you can configure the email itself in the lower half of the window.Enter at least one recipient and a subject as well as the actual body of the message.
You can use Smart Text tags as variables; they will be replaced with the appropriate content when the message is sent as a result of an Alarm being triggered. For example, the Smart Text tag of Operation Name could be inserted to indicate at which operation an assembly is currently located when the alarm was triggered. For details about using Smart Text tags, see Use Smart Text tags in email templates.Select Save at the bottom of the screen to save the newly created alarm reaction.
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