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FactoryLogix Learning

Packout step

A Packout step is typically used as the final operation in a process flow to facilitate the packing of finished products into boxes for shipping. A Packout step includes validation options to ensure all assemblies and sub-assemblies being packaged have passed all required operations and contain no open defect indictments.


For additional information related to packout operations and steps, see Packout.

Create a Packout step

After you create a packout operation, you need to configure a packout step. When you add a Packout step to the operation, it "builds itself" as you define the box to use and the inventory items to be packed in the box.


SeeĀ Create an Active Work InstructionĀ for more information about active work instructions.

  1. Ā Log into the FactoryLogix Office client application.
  2. Open a new process definition and create a new operation. (SeeĀ Add a new operation to a process flowĀ for more information.)
  3. Double-click the operation to open it for editing.
  4. Select theĀ AddĀ Add buttonĀ button underĀ Step ListĀ in the Process tree, then selectĀ Packout Step.
  5. Double-click the Packout step to open theĀ SettingsĀ dialog.

    Packout step

  6. Use the following tables to make your selections for the step in the Settings dialog.
  7. When you're finished making selections for the step, selectĀ OKĀ to confirm your choices.Ā 

    Packout step example

Settings dialog - Basics tab




The name of the step.

  • To apply a step template to the step, select theĀ Apply a TemplateĀ Apply a Template buttonĀ button, select a step template, then selectĀ OK.
  • To save the step as a step template, select theĀ Save as TemplateĀ Ā button, enter a name for the template, then selectĀ OK.

For details about creating and saving step templates, seeĀ Create a process, step, or operation template.

Operator Interface Template

The Operator Interface template to apply to the step.Ā 

SeeĀ Operator Interface templatesĀ for more information.

Assigned Workstation

The assigned workstation where the step and activities will be performed by a shop floor operator.

SeeĀ Create a factory and set up factory resourcesĀ for more information.

Any Order Mode (Activities can be viewed in any order)All the activities associated with the step may be viewed in any order.
Is Step Required?The stepĀ cannotĀ be skipped by a shop floor operator.
Activities may be executed without starting a unit

Any activities associated with the step may be executed by a shop floor operator without first scanning or entering the UID to start the unit in production.

  • FrequencyĀ - The frequency with which activities associated with the step are displayed and performed.Ā 
    • Every ItemĀ - Activities must be performed for every item.Ā 
    • By Item CountĀ - Displays activities for the stepĀ everyĀ nĀ number of scans. For example, when you select 3, activities will display for every third item, (item 1, item 4, item 7, item 10, and so on).
    • Batch BasedĀ - Displays activities using the specified condition:
      • (Select All)Ā - Displays activities for the first and last items in the batch.
      • Start of BatchĀ - Displays activities for the first item in the batch.
      • End of BatchĀ - Displays activities for the last item in the batch.
    • Time IntervalĀ - Activities for the step must be performed using the specified conditions. For example, 1 product every 2 minutes for the current batch.Ā 
    • At Certain Times of DayĀ - Displays activities for the step at specific times during the day, for example when periodic maintenance is needed to keep a workstation or machine running smoothly.
    • By % of TotalĀ - Displays activities (even distribution) for the step each time the specified percentage of the total batch is reached.Ā For example, a value of 10 percent in a 50-piece batch will display the specified step and activities every tenth assembly (10 percent of 50 is 5 over the course of 50 assemblies). This condition might be useful for periodic inspection of items in a batch.
    • Operation Session Based - Displays activities for the step each time an operator logs in to begin a new session.
Activity Completion Acknowledgement

Add Acknowledgement to:Ā Ā The shop floor operator must acknowledge completion ofĀ All Activities, theĀ First Activity, or theĀ Last ActivityĀ associated with the step.

Do you want to require credentials?
  • YesĀ - The shop floor operator is prompted to supply appropriate credentials before completing the step.
  • NoĀ - The shop floor operator isn't required to provide credentials before completing the step.Ā 
Approval Process
  • YesĀ - An approval will be required for the specified activities before the step can be completed.

    • Select an approval process from theĀ Approval ProcessĀ drop-down.
    • Select the activities that the approval will be required for:Ā First Activity,Ā Last Activity, orĀ All Activities.

  • NoĀ - The shop floor operator won't be required to obtain an approval before completing the step and its activities.Ā 

Settings dialog - Packout Settings tab

The Packout Settings tab allows you to select inventory items to be packed, specify a box type for packing, select a label template to use for packing, include a parts list if desired, and specify other packout-related options.

Packout Settings tab

Box TypeUse the Box Type drop-down under Packout By to select the desired box type for packing items. (SeeĀ Create a box and add it to inventory for more information.)

Add Packing Items Add Packing Items button

Under Packing List, select the Add Packing Items Add Packing Items button button to search for inventory items to be packed. Use the filtering options in the Packing List Searcher dialog, then select the Search button Search button on the right side of the dialog.

  • Search - Enter a search string to search for inventory items to be packed.
  • Classification Filter - Select a filter for searching: (Select All), Assembly, Part, or Box.

    Select the items to be packed in the Select column, then select OK to select the desired items to be packed.


Notice that two new activities in the Step List on the left side of the Process Definition window are created automatically: one to instruct the operator to retrieve the appropriate Box type from inventory, the other detailing the assembly to be packed in the box.

As additional inventory items are added to the packing list, new activities are generated automatically.


To add parts list items to a packing list dynamically based on the batch-level pick list items imported viaĀ an xTend FLX-XTD-JOB-01.xml file, seeĀ Add parts list items to a packing list.

Packout step - auto activities added

  • Include Parts List - Use thisĀ button to include the parts list associated with the items to be packed in the packing list.
  • Remove Packing Items Remove Packing Items button - Use thisĀ button to remove a selected item from the packing list.
Packing List

On theĀ Packout SettingsĀ tab underĀ Packing List, there are some columns of data that you can adjust as needed for your packing list. (Some columns such asĀ Name,Ā Description, andĀ Unit of IssueĀ are informational only and cannot be changed.)

  • Revision - Select the valid revisions if several revisions of the selected assembly exist.
  • Revision Mode -Specifies the revision mode of the selected items to use:Ā Use Latest,Ā Use Any,Ā Use Specific,Ā Use Specific or Newer,Ā Use Specific or Older.
  • Quantity - Specifies the quantity to be packed in this box.
  • Verification Mode SpecifiesĀ what the factory floor operator must enter or scan in order to specify the item being packed. There are four possible modes:
    • Acknowledge - Presents the operator with a check box to acknowledge that he or she followed the instruction and packed the appropriate item in the box. This is most useful for less critical items like a quick-start guide or warranty sheet.
    • No Action - Presents the instruction to the operator with no need to acknowledge.
    • Scan UID - Turns on all validation options in the remaining columns of the dialog: that the assembly selected and scanned contains no open defects and has completed all of the prescribed assembly operations as defined in the Process Flow. This option requires that the assembly was built entirely in FactoryLogix.


      When the Any Order packing mode is selected, the Verification Mode for all packing items is fixed to Scan UID.

    • Scan Lot - Allows the operator to scan or enter any alphanumeric data as the lot ID for the assembly or item being packed with no validation. The data entered will be presented in the overall comprehensive traceability information.

      Packout settings

  • Has No Unresolved Symptoms - When selected, checks for the presence of any unresolved (open) symptoms associated with the item being packed.


    In Production, when packout is being performed and the Has No Unresolved Symptoms validation check fails, the operator will see an error message.

  • Has No Unresolved Defects - When selected, checks for the presence of any unresolved (open) defects associated with the item being packed.


    In Production, when packout is being performed and the Has No Unresolved Defects validation check fails, the operator will see an error message.

  • Pack Items Individually - When selected, checksĀ for each item you want to be packed individually/separately.

Label Template

Use the drop-down to select the desired shipping label for the box (this requires that the desired label template is already defined in the Labels area of FactoryLogix Office).

Use the Add Add button button to display the Create Label Template dialog where you can create and save a new shipping label template. (SeeĀ Create or duplicate printed label templates for details.)

  • Force Complete Boxes - When selected, ensures that the correct box quantity is filled before an operator can finish the box in Production.

Allow Supervisory Override for Incomplete Boxes - When selected, supervisor approval is required for any incomplete boxes.

  • Batch Restrictions - Restricts packout items to:
    • Any batch
    • Only units from this process revision
    • Only units from the same production batch
    • Only units from the same order

  • Select Group(s) - Allows you to select one or more groups who will approve the packout (Inspectors and Supervisors, for example).
  • Export Completed Boxes as XML - When selected, exports an XML file of the contents of the completed boxes. (You can configure the location of the file in Settings.)
  • Validate Entry Conditions of this operation for each item added - validates that all entry conditions for the Packout operation have been met for each item in the packing list.
  • Fire Alarms - If you use the Analytics client application, you can select alarms and generate reports for packout. When you select the Print check box, the selected report will be printed. SeeĀ Use alarms for packout operations for more information.

    • On Box Completed - Executes the selected alarm reaction template for the entire box contents when a packing box is completed.
    • On Item Added - Executes the selected alarm reaction template when each item is added to the packing box.
    • Print -Ā  When you select the Print check box for the On Box Completed or the On Item Added alarm reaction, any reports associated with the alarm reaction are generated on the client workstation (that is, the workstation executing the Packout operation in Production).


      Only items of the Report type are returned in the selected output type format. The returned reports are printed on a local printer automatically. The printer can also be selected in the Activity Work Area in Production, so if multiple printers are installed, the shop floor operator can select a specific printer to use.Ā 

Settings dialog - Option Codes tab

Option Codes

Displays a list of available option codes.


Option codes areĀ onlyĀ used with configurable (CTO) assemblies.

  • Use the Apply Option Codes button to move selected option code(s) to the Assigned Option Codes column.
  • Use the Remove Option Codes button on the right side of the window to move selected assigned option code(s) back to the Option Codes list.

    Option Codes tab


    For details about option codes, seeĀ Option codes for configurable assemblies.

Assigned Option CodesDisplays the option codes assigned to this step.
Use Logical Expression

Select the Use Logical Expression Use Logical Expression button button on the right side of the dialog to define option codes for a step in the form of a logical expression (comprised of available option codes plus the logical operators: AND, OR, and NOT, and brackets to identify precedence).

Logical expressions for option codes

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