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FactoryLogix Learning

Composer step


See Support for SOLIDWORKS Composer filesĀ for more information about FactoryLogix support for Composer files.

Create a Composer step

  1. Log into the FactoryLogix Office client application.
  2. SelectĀ Process EngineeringĀ ,Ā then select an assembly.
  3. In theĀ Process DefinitionĀ window, double-click theĀ Process FlowĀ in the tree to open it for editing.
  4. Double-click theĀ operation where you want to add the Composer Step to open it for editing.
  5. Select theĀ AddĀ Add buttonĀ button underĀ Step ListĀ in the Process tree, then selectĀ Composer Step.
  6. Double-click the Composer Step to open theĀ SettingsĀ dialog.
  7. Use the following tables to make your selections for the step.
  8. When you're finished making selections for the step, selectĀ OKĀ to confirm your choices.

Settings dialog - Basics tab




Specifies the name of the step.

  • To apply a step template to the step, select theĀ Apply a TemplateĀ Apply a Template buttonĀ button, select a step template, then selectĀ OK.
  • To save the step as a step template, select theĀ Save as TemplateĀ Ā button, enter a name for the template, then selectĀ OK.

For details about creating and saving step templates, seeĀ Create a process, step, or operation template.

Operator Interface Template

Specifies the Operator Interface template to apply to the step.Ā 

SeeĀ Operator Interface templatesĀ for more information.

Assigned Workstation

Specifies the assigned workstation where the step and activities will be performed by a shop floor operator.

SeeĀ Create a factory and set up factory resourcesĀ for more information.

Any Order Mode (Activities can be viewed in any order)Specifies that all the activities associated with the step may be viewed in any order.
Is Step Required?Specifies that the stepĀ cannotĀ be skipped by a shop floor operator.
Activities may be executed without starting a unit

Any activities associated with the step may be executed by a shop floor operator without first scanning or entering the UID to start the unit in production.

  • FrequencyĀ - The frequency with which activities associated with the step are displayed and performed.Ā 
    • Every ItemĀ - Activities must be performed for every item.Ā 
    • By Item CountĀ - Displays activities for the stepĀ everyĀ nĀ number of scans. For example, when you select 3, activities will display for every third item, (item 1, item 4, item 7, item 10, and so on).
    • Batch BasedĀ - Displays activities using the specified condition:
      • (Select All)Ā - Displays activities for the first and last items in the batch.
      • Start of BatchĀ - Displays activities for the first item in the batch.
      • End of BatchĀ - Displays activities for the last item in the batch.
    • Time IntervalĀ - Activities for the step must be performed using the specified conditions. For example, 1 product every 2 minutes for the current batch.Ā 
    • At Certain Times of DayĀ - Displays activities for the step at specific times during the day, for example when periodic maintenance is needed to keep a workstation or machine running smoothly.
    • By % of TotalĀ - Displays activities (even distribution) for the step each time the specified percentage of the total batch is reached.Ā For example, a value of 10 percent in a 50-piece batch will display the specified step and activities every tenth assembly (10 percent of 50 is 5 over the course of 50 assemblies). This condition might be useful for periodic inspection of items in a batch.
    • Operation Session Based - Displays activities for the step each time an operator logs in to begin a new session.
Activity Completion Acknowledgement

Add Acknowledgement to:Ā Ā The shop floor operator must acknowledge completion ofĀ All Activities, theĀ First Activity, or theĀ Last ActivityĀ associated with the step.

Do you want to require credentials?
  • YesĀ - The shop floor operator is prompted to supply appropriate credentials before completing the step.
  • NoĀ - The shop floor operator isn't required to provide credentials before completing the step.Ā 
Approval Process
  • YesĀ - An approval will be required for the specified activities before the step can be completed.

    • Select an approval process from theĀ Approval ProcessĀ drop-down.
    • Select the activities that the approval will be required for:Ā First Activity,Ā Last Activity, orĀ All Activities.

  • NoĀ - The shop floor operator won't be required to obtain an approval before completing the step and its activities.Ā 

Settings dialog - Composer Settings tab



Composer File

Specifies the Solidworks Composer file for the Composer step.

  • Select the Link To Document button to link to your Composer file (useful for projects still evolving).
  • Select the Browse button (...), then browse to and select the desired Composer file to embed it into the FactoryLogix database.Ā 

    Select the Link To Document or Browse button

    Once the file is opened, FactoryLogix analyzes the Composer file and automatically creates a Basic Instruction Activity for each distinct Composer view contained in the file. For example, a Composer file created with seven distinct viewsĀ correlates to seven activities in the Settings dialog for the Composer step.

    Composer Settings tab

  • Use the Preview toolĀ (the eye) in the upper-right corner of the Settings dialog to check the Composer Player file and see which Composer views contain the different portions of the assembly.

    After opening the Composer file, you can group multiple Composer views within a single activity.

  • Use the drop-down in the Composer View(s) column to select each view to be displayed within this activity. After you select/group the desired Composer views for this activity, select OK.

  • Use the AddĀ Add buttonĀ and RemoveĀ Remove button buttons in the upper-right corner of the Activities table to add a new view to the list in the table or remove a selected view respectively.

Settings dialog - Option Codes tab

Option Codes

Displays a list of available option codes.


Option codes areĀ onlyĀ used with configurable (CTO) assemblies.

  • Use the Apply Option Codes button to move selected option code(s) to the Assigned Option Codes column.
  • Use the Remove Option Codes button on the right side of the window to move selected assigned option code(s) back to the Option Codes list.

    Option Codes tab


    For details about option codes, seeĀ Option codes for configurable assemblies.

Assigned Option CodesDisplays the option codes assigned to this step.
Use Logical Expression

Select the Use Logical Expression Use Logical Expression button button on the right side of the dialog to define option codes for a step in the form of a logical expression (comprised of available option codes plus the logical operators: AND, OR, and NOT, and brackets to identify precedence).

Logical expressions for option codes

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