Entry/exit conditions for product tracking
Product tracking options in the Conditions and Actions Library in FactoryLogix allow process engineers to specify a number of checks and validations on products and assemblies as they enter and exit operations in a process flow, including out of route operations and reroutes.
An entry condition is a validation check performed on a product or assembly as it is scanned into an operation.
An exit condition is a validation check performed as an operator attempts to finish a product or assembly at an operation.
An action calls for some automated task to be performed as a product or assembly is completed at an operation, such as generating a report or a barcode label.
For example, a Status Check entry condition ensures that a product or assembly scanned at a particular operation has successfully passed all of the previous required operations.
Conditions and actions have settings and rules that determine the actions to take in the event of a failed check. In addition, process engineers can specify the frequency for performing condition checks or actions.
Conditions and Actions Library
You access the Conditions and Actions Library from the Library area of the FactoryLogix Office client application. The following table describes the available conditions and actions by name and type (Entry, Exit, or Reroute).
Condition/action | Type | Description |
Status Check | Entry, Exit | Validates that the current unit has an acceptable status. Acceptable status values are: Pass, Fail, or Scrap or you can select the (Select All) check box to include all acceptable statuses. |
Batch Active Status Check | Entry, Exit | Validates that the status of the current batch is active (not on hold). |
Role Check | Entry | Validates that the current user has a specific role (a failure reaction can force a pop-up to capture the sign-off user's name and password). Use the check boxes to select the desired roles in the Value(s) column or you can enable the (Select All) check box to select all available roles. See Create and manage roles and permissions for details about user roles. |
Defect Check | Entry, Exit | Validates that there are no open, fixed, closed, deleted, or false defect indictments. Under Condition Options, use the check boxes to select the desired Defect Status (Open, Fixed, Closed, False, Deleted or (Select All)) and other options for the Defect Check condition:
Symptom Check | Entry, Exit | Validates there are no open, fixed, closed, deleted, or false symptoms. Under Condition Options, use the check boxes to select the desired Invalid Symptom Status (Open, Fixed, Closed, False, Deleted or (Select All)) and other options for the Symptom Check condition:
Evaluate Quality Standard | Exit | Validates that the operation quality standard is met. Under Condition Options, use the drop-downs to select the Quality Standard and the Result Code to be applied to this exit condition. |
Minimum Dwell Time Check | Entry | Validates that the minimum amount of time specified has elapsed since completing the previous operation before entering this operation. Under Condition Options, you can specify the following conditions:
This allows the condition to be implemented as a minimum or maximum dwell time check.
Maximum Dwell Time Check | Entry | Validates that the amount of time since the unit has completed the previous operation and entered the current operation has not exceeded the specified time. Under Condition Options, you can specify the following conditions:
This allows the condition to be implemented as a minimum or maximum dwell time check.
Barcode Type Check | Entry | Verifies the unit's type matches one of the acceptable types. Use the Value(s) column to select the acceptable unit types (Panel, Carrier, or Product, or use the (Select All) check box to select all available types. |
Recipe Name Check | Entry | Validates that the proper recipe is loaded on one or more workstations. Under Condition Options, use the New See Recipe management for more information about creating and saving process recipes. |
Xout Checker Entry Condition | Entry, Reroute | After the first successful WIP start is executed, for all subsequent WIP starts the processing determines whether the assembly under construction is a panelized item. If the item is panelized, the last item to be successfully started is compared to the item undergoing the current start. If both items have the same X-Out configuration, nothing happens, however if their X-Out configurations differ, a message displays to notify the operator of the different X-Out configuration. |
Evaluate Quality Standard | Exit | Validates that the currently specified quality standard has been met (defect threshold alarms, for example). Under Condition Options, use the Quality Standard drop-down to select the desired quality standard, then use the Result Code drop-down to select the expected quality result code for that standard (Hold, Rework, or MRB for example). |
Minimum Process Time Check | Exit | Validates that the current assembly has remained in the current operation for the minimum specified amount of time. Under Condition Options, use the drop-downs to specify the Value(s) and Interval for the Elapsed Time. |
Maximum Process Time Check | Exit | Validates that the current assembly has not exceeded the specified process time. Under Condition Options, use the drop-downs to specify the Value(s) and Interval for the Elapsed Time. |
Sub-Assembly Check | Entry, Exit | Validates that there are no missing or incomplete assemblies. Under Condition Options, use the Value(s) drop-down to select the options for this condition: Missing, Incomplete, or (Select All). |
Operation Status Action Processor | Entry, Exit | Performs a status check on a specific operation in the process flow. The condition allows the selection of the specific operation within the process flow where the unit must have finished with the desired status. (If more than one operation needs to be validated, you can configure multiple instances of this entry condition.) Operation allows you to select the name of the operation for which the WIP records are validated for the correct status. All operations in the current process flow (including out-of-route operations) are listed. All Previous Operations allows the operator to validate the complete process flow up to the current operation. The Considered WIP Records setting defines which WIP record (if more than one exists) will be considered to make the determination:
Acceptable Statuses are: Passed, Failed, or Scrapped or you can enable the (Select All) check box to include all acceptable statuses. The selections represent WIP statuses that will cause the condition to return a positive outcome. The Operation Status Action Processor entry condition validates the currently processed barcode by verifying that it has finished the configured manual Operation with one of the configured Acceptable Statuses—either overall or during the last execution of the operation, depending on the Considered WIP Records setting.
xLink adapters ignore entry conditions since they are designed to only collect data for units already processed and have no influence on the actual starting of a barcode.
Change Product Action Processor | Entry, Reroute | This action moves units to another production batch. When changing a product, you can specify the following options for this action:
Defect Status Update | Entry, Exit, Reroute | When this action is executed for a unit, any defects with the same status as the Change Status From value that was created at an operation identified by the Defects Created At option will have their status updated to the Change Status To value. |
Fire Alarm | Exit, Reroute | Forces the specified alarm reaction template to be fired at the specified frequency. Under Condition Options, use the Value(s) drop-down to select the desired alarm reaction template. |
Unload Carrier | Exit, Reroute | Unload carrier items at this point. |
De-panelize Assemblies | Exit, Reroute | Upon finishing the current assembly, the unit will be made single or de-panelized (if panelized). |
Batch Quantity Reached Alarm | Exit, Reroute | Fires the specified alarm reaction template once the batch quantity has been reached at this operation. |
Generate Report | Exit, Reroute | Forces the selected report to be generated. use the Value(s) drop-down to select the report to generate. |
Print Label | Exit, Reroute | Causes a product label to be generated using the specified label template. |
Post-Fail Passes | Exit, Reroute | Ensures that a unit which has been found defective then has a number of consecutive passed statuses before it can move forward to the next operation. |
Change Batch Status | Exit, Reroute | Change the status of the batch to the selected value (particularly useful for closing completed batches automatically).
A completed batch is a batch that has satisfied its quantity requirements. A closed batch is typically done by the user. The batch may not have met its quantity, but the user wanted it closed.
Send Material to Stock Location | Exit, Reroute | Sends material to the default assigned stock location. If more than one stock location is assigned, the system sends the material to the location with the least material. |
Move Product to a New Batch | Exit, Reroute | Moves units to another production batch based on the selected target process revision and target operation. |
Trigger Integration Service Exit Action | Exit, Reroute | Records an entry in an EventTriggers database table for each WIP record with a WIP Status of Passed. |
Export Files | Exit, Reroute | Exports all files collected during production using the Attach File activity and alarm reactions that have been defined so that "everyone can access". |
Export Tracking History | Exit, Reroute | Exports all tracking history for a UID and all of its sub-assemblies. This action should only be used on the uppermost assembly being built.
Attach File Exit Action | Exit, Reroute | Exports all tracking history for a UID and all of its sub-assemblies. This action should only be used on the uppermost assembly being built.
SemiDepanelization | Exit, Reroute | Panelizes panels with more than one image into at least two panels. For example, if there are four images/circuits that need to be panelized in two panels, specify "[1,2]#[3,4]".
Depanelize Defective Circuit | Exit, Reroute | Separates a defective unit from the panel and routes the panel to the next in-route operation while routing only the individual unit to an out-of-route operation. |
Execute Transport Order | Exit, Reroute | Sends a product to a specified stock resource using a transport order.
Set Lot Status | Exit, Reroute | This action sets the status of the lot based on the Lot Status setting (Passed or Failed) and allows the creation of a non-conformance. You can select a Non-Conformance Profile and a related Scrap Reason Code from the drop-downs under Condition Options. |
Frequency of a condition
You can specify the frequency for each condition check using these options.
Item | Description |
Every Item | Each assembly scanned into this operation will have the selected condition processed. |
By Item Count | Processes the condition upon every n assemblies. |
Batch Based | Processes the selected condition one time at the beginning of the batch, at the end of the batch, or both at the start and the end. |
Time Based | Processes the selected condition n times per half-hour or hour. |
By % of Total | Processes the selected condition at regular intervals based on the specified percentage of the total batch quantity. For example, a value of 10 percent in a 50-piece batch will present the specified step every tenth assembly (10 percent of 50 is 5 over the course of 50 assemblies). |
Condition check failure
If a condition check fails to meet the specified requirements, there are three possible outcomes you can specify:
Item | Description |
Warning | Operators may proceed despite the invalid condition but receive a warning in a message box. |
Error (Prevent Action) | An error dialog is presented to operators and the operation is not allowed to continue. |
Re-Route | A re-route pathway forces the assembly to be routed to an alternate operation (or series of operations) for further processing. You select the appropriate re-route flow from the drop-down. |
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