Define and manage devices

Define and manage devices


Consider a factory with 50 PLC-controlled devices with the CFX Gateway deployed to make all 50 devices appear to be CFX-compliant devices. All 50 devices could be identical in nature—alternatively, all 50 devices could be unique in nature, for example one might be a simple counter, another a barcode scanner, and yet another could be a complex piece of equipment such as a torque driver controller supporting a variety of different tools.

To avoid the need to configure each device completely and independently, the registration for a device has the following elements:

  • Device Name - Identifies a single PLC-driven device. The device name must be unique across all device names defined in the CFX Gateway.
  • Device-specific configuration - Comprises properties whose values are unique to a single device.
  • Common device-type configuration - Comprises properties that are defined once and then shared across multiple devices of the same type. The common device-type configuration is recorded in an equipment profile.

Add a device

When defining a device, the Devices area of the CFX Gateway lists all configured devices and provides the ability to add new devices, edit existing devices, and delete selected devices.

Select Device to view the devices list

When registering a new device, an equipment profile detailing the CFX capabilities the device supports is part of the device configuration. If a suitable equipment profile is not already defined, you can define a new profile.


Any OPC UA connection is supported. 

  1. Log into the CFX Gateway and select Devices from the left side of the window.
  2. Select the Add Device Add Device button button to display a dialog where you can add details for a new device.

    Add Device dialog

  3. Use the following table to define the properties for the new device.




    The name for the PLC-driven device (the name must be unique across all defined devices).


    An optional value to help identify the device to users configuring the CFX Gateway.

    Connection Profile

    Identifies the connection profile that specifies how the CFX Gateway will connect to and communicate with the entity hosting the device.


    A value that identifies the base address of the device within the entity identified in the connection profile, for example: root (simulator.simulator01)

    • Select the Add Path Add Path button button to display a dialog where you can enter the path and an alias for the path (required), then select OK. (Select the Remove Path Remove Path button button to remove a selected path.)

      Add Device Path dialog

    Equipment Profile

    Identifies the equipment profile that specifies the detail of the CFX capabilities the device supports and all tag mapping information.

    Use the Add, Edit, and Duplicate buttons to the right of the Equipment Profile field to add new profiles, edit existing profiles, or duplicate similar profiles, then edit them to create additional equipment profiles.

    Add, Edit, Duplicate Equipment Profiles buttons

    See Add, edit, or duplicate an equipment profile for details.

    CFX Handle

    A value that uniquely identifies the device in all CFX messages related to the device.

    • Is Active - Use this toggle button to allow the CFX Gateway to start or stop support for the device.


    • Show All - Use this toggle button to display or hide all of the device capabilities in the Edit Device dialog.

    CFX Message Tag Mapping

    • Use the Discover Tags Discover Tags button button to locate all the CFX message tags related to the device profile you're creating or editing.


      For details about defining tag expressions and using the Tag Expression Editor, see Define message property tag expression functions.

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