Event triggers and supported CFX messages
The messages supported by each equipment profile capability are shown in the following table.
CFX capability message | CFX message |
Basic Recipe Validation | RecipeActivated |
Unit Status Validation | ValidateUnitsRequest |
Unit Status Validation | ValidateUnitsResponse |
WIP Tracking | WorkStarted |
WIP Tracking | WorkCompleted |
WIP Tracking with Stages | WorkStageStarted |
WIP Tracking with Stages | WorkStageCompleted |
Production Unit Test | UnitsTested |
Production Unit Inspection | UnitsInspected |
Unit Disqualification / Scrapping | UnitsDisqualified |
Equipment Data Tracking | ReadingsRecorded |
Station Performance Reporting | FaultOccurred |
Station Performance Reporting | FaultCleared |
Station Performance Reporting | LogEntryRecorded |
Station Performance Reporting | StationStateChanged |
Event triggers
In the following descriptions of the CFX messages supported by the CFX Gateway, the diagrams showing the device tags required to support a CFX message include a generic "trigger" tag that represents the event triggers necessary to implement the desired handshake.
Each supported message may define four event triggers:
- xxTxTriggerSet
- xxRxTriggerSet
- xxTxTriggerReset
- xxRxTriggerReset
For example, for the CFX RecipeActivated message, the event triggers are:
- RARxTriggerSet
- RATxTriggerReset
- RARxTriggerReset
CFX RecipeActivated message
Message property | Data type | Notes |
RARecipeName | String | If no value is present when this message is triggered, the CFX Gateway does not issue a CFX message. |
Event triggers | Type | Notes |
RATxTriggerSet | Condition | When this value changes, an event is triggered to notify the CFX Gateway of data ready to be read from the device. |
RARxTriggerSet | Value | This value is set when the CFX Gateway has read the data tags from the device. |
RATxTriggerReset | Condition | When this value changes, an event is triggered to notify the CFX Gateway of the completion of the data transfer from the device. |
RARxTriggerReset | Value | This value is set when the CFX Gateway has been notified by the device that it has reset the TxTrigger. |
Example 1
A single value on the device "recipename" identifies the recipe name, and a change in this value is required to trigger the CFX Gateway to issue this CFX message.
RARecipeName =TAG(recipename) |
A single handshake is utilized.
Example 2
A value on the device "recipename" identifies the recipe name plus a second value is used for handshake purposes. A change in this handshake value to a value greater than zero is required to trigger the CFX Gateway to issue this CFX message.
RARecipeName =TAG(recipename) |
A single handshake is utilized.
Example 3
A value on the device "recipename" identifies the recipe name, plus four values used for handshake purposes. A change in handshake value 1 (the TxTrigger) to a value greater than zero is required to trigger the CFX Gateway to read the data for this CFX message. A change in handshake value 1 (the TxTrigger) to a value of zero is required to trigger the CFX Gateway to send this CFX message. A second handshake value (the RxTrigger) is required to be set to a value of one to inform the device that the CFX Gateway has successfully received the message data, and to zero to inform the device that the CFX Gateway has successfully processed the message data.
RARecipeName =TAG(recipename) |
A double handshake is utilized.
CFX ValidateUnitsRequest message
Message property | Data type | Notes |
VURqPrimaryIdentifier | String | Will only be part of an equipment profile when the Primary Identifier WIP setting is selected. UID of a single unit, or if multiple units being worked upon, the Panel or Carrier UID. |
VURqUnitIdentifier# | String | The VURqUnitIdentifier message properties are only part of the equipment profile when the Unit Identifiers WIP setting is selected. |
Event triggers | Type | Notes |
VURqTxTriggerSet | Condition | When this value changes, an event is triggered to notify the CFX Gateway of data ready to be read from the device. |
VURqRxTriggerSet | Value | This value is set when the CFX Gateway has read the data tags from the device. |
VURqTxTriggerReset | Condition | When this value changes, an event is triggered to notify the CFX Gateway of the completion of the data transfer from the device. |
VURqRxTriggerReset | Value | This value is set when the CFX Gateway has been notified by the device that it has reset the TxTrigger. |
- The ValidationTypes identified in the CFX message result are UnitRouteValidation and UnitStatusValidation.
- If VURqPrimaryIdentifier is present in the equipment profile and VURqUnitIdentifier is not, and the VURqPrimaryIdentifier value is not present when this message is triggered, the CFX Gateway will not issue a CFX message. Rather, it immediately triggers the ValidateUnitsResponse response to the device with a result of ValidationStatus Failed.
- If VURqPrimaryIdentifier is not present in the equipment profile and VURqUnitIdentifier is, and not all the VURqPrimaryIdentifier values are present when this message is triggered, the CFX Gateway will not issue a CFX message. Rather, it immediately triggers the ValidateUnitsResponse response to the device with a result of ValidationStatus Failed.
- If VURqPrimaryIdentifier and VURqUnitIdentifier are both present in the equipment profile and one or more values are not present when this message is triggered, the CFX Gateway will not issue a CFX message. Rather, it immediately triggers the ValidateUnitsResponse response to the device with a result of ValidationStatus Failed.
CFX ValidateUnitsResponse message
Message property | Data type | Notes |
VURsPrimaryResult | String | The ValidationStatus returned to the CFX Gateway is reported to the device in this tag as Passed, Failed, or Skipped. |
Event triggers | Type | Notes |
VURsTxTriggerSet | Value | This value is set when the CFX Gateway has written data tags for the device to read. |
VURsRxTriggerSet | Condition | When this value changes, an event is triggered to notify the CFX Gateway that data has been read by the device. |
VURsTxTriggerReset | Value | This value is set when the CFX Gateway has been notified by the device that it has reset the TxTrigger. |
VURsRxTriggerReset | Condition | When this value changes, an event is triggered to notify the CFX Gateway of the completion of the data transfer from the device. |
It may be necessary to convert the VURsPrimaryResult value from a CFX Status value to one that the device understands. For example, a device may simply expect a result of zero when the validation fails, or a value of 1 when the validation is successful. To handle this value transformation, the VURsPrimaryResult message property should be defined using the ENUM function, as follows (assuming a result of Skipped will be treated as Passed by the device):
=ENUM(primaryresult,Passed:1|Failed:0|Skipped:1) |
Example 1
The CFX Gateway receives the result of a validation request from the CFX recipient and needs to communicate this back to the device. Both trigger tags are zero by default, being set to 1 in order to trigger.
VURsPrimaryResult =ENUM(primaryresult, Passed:1| Failed:0| Skipped:1) |
A single handshake is utilized.
Example 2
The CFX Gateway receives the result of a validation request from the CFX recipient and needs to communicate this back to the device. Both trigger tags are zero by default, being set to 1 in order to trigger.
VURsPrimaryResult =ENUM(primaryresult, Passed:1| Failed:0| Skipped:1) |
A double handshake is utilized.
CFX WorkStarted message
This message can be used in a variety of ways depending on whether production is serialized, in panels or within a carrier, and what start and/or finish time information is provided. The following message properties may or may not be present in an equipment profile depending on the WIP settings.
Message property | Data type | Notes |
WSPrimaryIdentifier | String | Is only part of an equipment profile when the Primary Identifier WIP setting is selected. UID of a single unit, or if multiple units being worked upon, the Panel or Carrier UID. |
WSUnitIdentifier# | String | The WSUnitIdentifier message properties are only part of the equipment profile when the Unit Identifiers WIP setting is selected. If present, the Units Per Transaction value determines how many numbered entries of this property will be included in the equipment profile. For example, if Units Per Transaction is set to 4, the following message properties are presented in the equipment profile: |
WSPositionNumber# | Byte | The WSPositionIdentifier message properties are only part of the equipment profile when the Position Identifiers WIP setting is selected. If present, the Units Per Transaction value determines how many numbered entries of this property are included in the equipment profile. For example, if Units Per Transaction is set to 2, the following message properties are presented in the equipment profile: |
WSUnitCount | Byte | The WSUnitCount message property is only part of the equipment profile when the Units Per Transaction is set to zero. Value reported by device identifies the number of individual production units associated with the transaction. If this value is zero, the unit count is gathered in the WorkCompleted processing. |
Event triggers | Type | Notes |
WSTxTriggerSet | Condition | When this value changes, an event is triggered to notify the CFX Gateway of data ready to be read from the device. |
WSRxTriggerSet | Value | This value is set when the CFX Gateway has read the data tags from the device. |
WSTxTriggerReset | Condition | When this value changes, an event is triggered to notify the CFX Gateway of the completion of the data transfer from the device. |
WSRxTriggerReset | Value | This value is set when the CFX Gateway has been notified by the device that it has reset the TxTrigger. |
CFX WorkStageStarted message
Event triggers | Type | Notes |
WSS#TxTriggerSet | Condition | When this value changes, an event is triggered to notify the CFX Gateway of data ready to be read from the device. |
WSS#RxTriggerSet | Value | This value is set when the CFX Gateway has read the data tags from the device. |
WSS#TxTriggerReset | Condition | When this value changes, an event is triggered to notify the CFX Gateway of the completion of the data transfer from the device. |
WSS#RxTriggerReset | Value | This value is set when the CFX Gateway has been notified by the device that it has reset the TxTrigger. |
CFX UnitsTested message
This capability is only available under the following conditions:
- The WIP Tracking capability is selected.
- The Production Transaction Mode is Start and Finish.
- Either the Has Primary Identifier On Start option or the Has Unit Identifiers On Start option is selected.
- The Units Per Transaction value is greater than zero.
When an equipment profile for a device reporting test results is defined, the equipment profile identifies the number of tests to be captured (per unit) plus the number of measurements to be captured for each test. The number of tests that may be captured for a unit tested is any number from zero upward. The number of measurements that may captured for a test is any number from zero upward. The number of measurements captured for one test is independent from the number of measurements captured for another test.
Message property | Data type | Notes |
UTOverallResult# | Byte |
UTTestName#-# | String | The name of the test. |
UTTestResult#-# | Byte |
UTMeasurementName### | String | The name of the measurement. |
UTMeasuredValue### | String | The measured value is treated as if the device was passing a string value that the CFX Gateway then attempts to determine its data type. If the value is either "true" or "false", a Boolean CFX measurement is issued. If the value is a numeric value, a Numeric CFX measurement is issued; otherwise, a Text CFX measurement is issued. |
UTMeasurementUnits### | String | The units of measure applicable to the measured value. |
UTMeasurementCRDs### | String | A comma-separated list of references associated to the measurement. |
UTMeasurementResult### | Byte |
Event triggers | Type | Notes |
UTTxTriggerSet | Condition | When this value changes an event is triggered to notify the CFX Gateway of data ready to be read from the device. |
UTRxTriggerSet | Value | This value is set when the CFX Gateway has read the data tags from the device. |
UTTxTriggerReset | Condition | When this value changes, an event is triggered to notify the CFX Gateway of the completion of the data transfer from the device. |
UTRxTriggerReset | Value | This value is set when the CFX Gateway has been notified by the device that it has reset the TxTrigger. |
- For tag names ending with "#", the "#"denotes the number of the unit for which test results are being captured.
- For tag names ending with "#-#", the first "#"denotes the number of the unit for which test results are being captured. The second "#"denotes the number of the test for a unit.
For tag names ending with "###", the first "#"denotes the number of the unit for which test results are being captured. The second "#"denotes the number of the test for a unit, with the third "#" denoting the number of the measurement for a test. - All "#" numbers are auto-assigned integer values, starting with "1" for the first unit, for the first test for a specific unit, and for the first measurement associated to a specific test.
- The UnitsTested message has result properties for a unit at three levels: an overall result, a result for each test, and a result for each measurement within a test. It is possible that a device may not be able to supply all these values, however, for a device to be turned Active all message properties are defined.
Should a result not be available from the device (either as a tag value or as a logical expression based upon other result values such as determining the test result from a logical expression based upon the results of the measurements associated to the test), the default test result should be "hard-coded" in the tag expression as follows:
If, when configuring a measurement, the UTMeasurementCRDs value can neither be sourced from the device nor hardcoded to a particular value it can be set to a NULL value by setting the tag expression as follows:
CFX UnitsInspected message
This capability is only available under the following conditions:
- The WIP Tracking capability is selected.
- The Production Transaction Mode is Start and Finish.
- Either the Has Primary Identifier On Start option or the Has Unit Identifiers On Start option is selected.
- The Units Per Transaction value is greater than zero.
When an equipment profile for a device reporting inspection results is being defined, the equipment profile identifies the maximum number of defects to be captured (per unit).
Message property | Data type | Notes |
UIOverallResult# | Byte |
UIInspectionName#-# | String | The name of the inspection. |
UIInspectionResult#-# | Byte |
UIDefectCode### | String | The defect code. |
UIDefectCRDs### | String | A comma-separated list of references associated to the defect. |
UIDefectStatus### | Byte |
Event triggers | Type | Notes |
UITxTriggerSet | Condition | When this value changes, an event is triggered to notify the CFX Gateway of data ready to be read from the device. |
UIRxTriggerSet | Value | This value is set when the CFX Gateway has read the data tags from the device. |
UITxTriggerReset | Condition | When this value changes, an event is triggered to notify the CFX Gateway of the completion of the data transfer from the device. |
UIRxTriggerReset | Value | This value is set when the CFX Gateway has been notified by the device that it has reset the TxTrigger. |
- For tag names ending with "#", the "#"denotes the number of the unit for which inspection results are being captured.
- For tag names ending with "#-#", the first "#"denotes the number of the unit for which inspection results are being captured. The second "#"denotes the number of the inspection for a unit.
- For tag names ending with "###", the first "#"denotes the number of the unit for which inspection results are being captured. The second "#"denotes the number of the inspection for a unit, with the third "#" denoting the number of the defect for an inspection.
- All "#" numbers are auto-assigned integer values, starting with "1" for the first unit, for the first inspection for a specific unit, and for the first defect associated to a specific inspection.
- The UnitsInspected message has result properties for a unit at three levels – an overall result, a result for each inspection, and a result for each defect within an inspection. It is possible that a device may not be able to supply all these values, however, for a device to be turned Active all message properties are defined.
Should a result not be available from the device (either as a tag value or as a logical expression based upon other result values such as determining the inspection result from a logical expression based upon the results of the defects associated to the inspection), the default inspection result should be "hard-coded" in the tag expression as follows:
If, when configuring a defect, the UIDefectCRDs value can neither be sourced from the device nor hardcoded to a particular value it can be set to a NULL value by setting the tag expression as follows:
Any numbered defect where the device reports a defect code of empty string (when leading and trailing spaces are removed) results in that numbered defect not being included in the CFX generated and broadcast by the CFX Gateway.
CFX UnitsDisqualified message
This capability is only available under the following conditions:
- The WIP Tracking capability is selected.
- The Production Transaction Mode is Start and Finish.
- Either the Has Primary Identifier On Start option or the Has Unit Identifiers On Start option is selected.
- The Units Per Transaction value is greater than zero.
Message property | Data type | Notes |
UDUnitDisqualified# | Byte | The Units Per Transaction value determines how many numbered entries of this property will be included in the equipment profile. For example, if Units Per Transaction is set to 2, the following message properties are presented in the equipment profile: |
UDComment | String | Free-form comment related to the disqualification(s). |
UDReason | String |
Event triggers | Type | Notes |
UDTxTriggerSet | Condition | When this value changes an event is triggered to notify the CFX Gateway of data ready to be read from the device. |
UDRxTriggerSet | Value | This value is set when the CFX Gateway has read the data tags from the device. |
UDTxTriggerReset | Condition | When this value changes, an event is triggered to notify the CFX Gateway of the completion of the data transfer from the device. |
UDRxTriggerReset | Value | This value is set when the CFX Gateway has been notified by the device that it has reset the TxTrigger. |
If two or more units are to be disqualified with different reasons, separate data transfers from the device are required: one data transfer per reason for disqualification, with each transfer identifying the units to which the disqualification reason applies.
CFX WorkStageCompleted message
Message property | Data type | Notes |
WSC#Result | Byte | Designates the success or otherwise of the work undertaken within the stage.
Event triggers | Type | Notes |
WSC#TxTriggerSet | Condition | When this value changes, an event is triggered to notify the CFX Gateway of data ready to be read from the device. |
WSC#RxTriggerSet | Value | This value is set when the CFX Gateway has read the data tags from the device. |
WSC#TxTriggerReset | Condition | When this value changes, an event is triggered to notify the CFX Gateway of the completion of the data transfer from the device. |
WSC#RxTriggerReset | Value | This value is set when the CFX Gateway has been notified by the device that it has reset the TxTrigger. |
CFX WorkCompleted message
Message property | Data type | Notes |
WCUnitCount | Byte | The WCUnitCount message property is only part of the equipment profile when the Units Per Transaction is set to zero. Value reported by device identifies the number of individual production units associated with the transaction. If a UnitCount was reported in the WorkStarted message then this value is ignored, otherwise if this value is read from the device, a WorkCompleted CFX message is only broadcast by the CFX Gateway if the UnitCount is greater than zero. |
WCResult | Byte | Designates the success or otherwise of the work undertaken.
Event triggers | Type | Notes |
WCTxTriggerSet | Condition | When this value changes, an event is triggered to notify the CFX Gateway of data ready to be read from the device. |
WCRxTriggerSet | Value | This value is set when the CFX Gateway has read the data tags from the device. |
WCTxTriggerReset | Condition | When this value changes, an event is triggered to notify the CFX Gateway of the completion of the data transfer from the device. |
WCRxTriggerReset | Value | This value is set when the CFX Gateway has been notified by the device that it has reset the TxTrigger. |
Example 1
WIP settings (in Edit Device dialog):
A device comprises a simple counter that is incremented as each "good' unit passes its sensor. As a trigger based on every change in this counter value would result in too many triggers of the CFX Gateway, the TIMER() function is used to trigger at a regular interval.
WCUnitCount =TAG(counter,true,255)
WCResult =0
WCTxTriggerSet =TIMER(10)
WCRxTriggerSet =
WCTxTriggerReset =
WCRxTriggerReset =A single handshake is utilized.
Example 2
WIP settings (in Edit Device dialog):
A device reports the serial number and status of every unit that it processes.
WCPrimaryIdentifier =TAG(identifier) |
A single handshake is utilized.
CFX ReadingsRecord message
Message property | Data type | Notes |
RRExpectedValue | String | The expected value for the reading. Optional. |
RRMinAcceptableValue | String | The minimum acceptable value for the reading. Optional. |
RRMaxAcceptableValue | String | The maximum acceptable value for the reading. Optional. |
RRReadingIdentifier | String | The name of the reading. |
RRResult | String |
RRValue | String | The value of the reading. |
RRValueUnits | String | The SI unit applicable to the reading value. |
RRTrigger | Byte | When this value changes, an event is triggered to notify the CFX Gateway. |
Event triggers | Type | Notes |
RRTxTriggerSet | Condition | When this value changes, an event is triggered to notify the CFX Gateway of data ready to be read from the device. |
RRRxTriggerSet | Value | This value is set when the CFX Gateway has read the data tags from the device. |
RRTxTriggerReset | Condition | When this value changes, an event is triggered to notify the CFX Gateway of the completion of the data transfer from the device. |
RRRxTriggerReset | Value | This value is set when the CFX Gateway has been notified by the device that it has reset the TxTrigger. |
- Any ReadingsRecorded CFX message issued by the CFX Gateway may or may not be associated with a WIP transaction.
- If a device triggers this message during a WIP transaction, the readings are recorded against the units in that WIP transaction.
- If a device triggers this message outside of a WIP transaction, the readings are recorded against the device.
CFX FaultOccurred message
Message property | Data type | Notes |
FOFaultSeverity | Byte |
FOFaultCause | Byte | A value of 0 through 17. |
FOFaultCode | String | The nature of the fault. |
Event triggers | Type | Notes |
FOTxTriggerSet | Condition | When this value changes, an event is triggered to notify the CFX Gateway of data ready to be read from the device. |
FORxTriggerSet | Value | This value is set when the CFX Gateway has read the data tags from the device. |
FOTxTriggerReset | Condition | When this value changes, an event is triggered to notify the CFX Gateway of the completion of the data transfer from the device. |
FORxTriggerReset | Value | This value is set when the CFX Gateway has been notified by the device that it has reset the TxTrigger. |
All faults reported by the CFX Gateway are cached by the CFX Gateway so that they may cleared. This cache is not persistent.
Example 1
A simple device on a line exists to allow an operator to stop the line. This device comprises a single value used for handshake purposes. A change in this handshake value, to a value greater than zero, is required to trigger the CFX Gateway to issue this CFX message.
FOFaultSeverity =1 |
A single handshake is utilized.
Each time this message is triggered, a CFX FaultOccurred message is issued where the Severity is Warning, the Cause is Safety Stop and the Code of "Operator-Actioned Line Stop".
Example 2
A device on a line reports faults that specify the severity, cause and a description, with a single value used for handshake purposes. A change in this handshake value to a value greater than zero is required to trigger the CFX Gateway to issue this CFX message.
FOFaultSeverity = ENUM(severity, Information:1| Warning:11-31| SafetyStop:1| PowerFailure:0| |
A single handshake is utilized.
CFX FaultCleared message
Event triggers | Type | Notes |
FCTxTriggerSet | Condition | When this value changes an event is triggered to notify the CFX Gateway of data ready to be read from the device. |
FCRxTriggerSet | Value | This value is set when the CFX Gateway has read the data tags from the device. |
FCTxTriggerReset | Condition | When this value changes, an event is triggered to notify the CFX Gateway of the completion of the data transfer from the device. |
FCRxTriggerReset | Value | This value is set when the CFX Gateway has been notified by the device that it has reset the TxTrigger. |
The CFX standard is designed with the expectation that if a device reports a fault, it also explicitly reports when that fault has been cleared. The CFX Gateway is designed to allow a device to report multiple faults with a single notification from the device to signify that all faults have been cleared. Therefore, when a device reports a fault, the CFX Gateway issues the FaultOccurred message and cache the fault reported by a device.
When the faults-cleared notification is received, the CFX Gateway issues a FaultCleared message for each fault cached for the device, and then clear the faults cached for the device.
CFX LogEntryRecorded message
Message property | Data type | Notes |
LERImportance | Byte |
LERMessage | String | A description of the log entry. |
Event triggers | Type | Notes |
LERTxTriggerSet | Condition | When this value changes, an event is triggered to notify the CFX Gateway of data ready to be read from the device. |
LERRxTriggerSet | Value | This value is set when the CFX Gateway has read the data tags from the device. |
LERTxTriggerReset | Condition | When this value changes, an event is triggered to notify the CFX Gateway of the completion of the data transfer from the device. |
LERRxTriggerReset | Value | This value is set when the CFX Gateway has been notified by the device that it has reset the TxTrigger. |
CFX StationStateChanged message
Tag name | Data type | Notes |
SSCState | Byte | A value of 1000 through 6500. |
Event triggers | Type | Notes |
SSCTxTriggerSet | Condition | When this value changes, an event is triggered to notify the CFX Gateway of data ready to be read from the device. |
SSCRxTriggerSet | Value | This value is set when the CFX Gateway has read the data tags from the device. |
SSCTxTriggerReset | Condition | When this value changes, an event is triggered to notify the CFX Gateway of the completion of the data transfer from the device. |
SSCRxTriggerReset | Value | This value is set when the CFX Gateway has been notified by the device that it has reset the TxTrigger. |
Example 1
A single value on the device "state" identifies its state, and a change in this value is required to trigger the CFX Gateway to issue this CFX message.
SSCState = ENUM(state, PRD:1| |
A single handshake is utilized.
CFX UnitsTested message
The numbering of the measurement properties is denoted as:
<Circuit Position#><Test#><Measurement#> |
where the number of the first measurement in a test is always 1.
- Initially, the configuration user interface is presented as follows:
- For a device where the Units Per Transaction value is set to 1, when you select the button, one test is added to the UI:
For a device where the Units Per Transaction value is set to 2, when you select the
button, one test per unit is added to the UI:
The following examples are for a device where the Units Per Transaction value is set to 1.
- When you select the :
- When you select the
- When you select the
- When you select the
- When you select the button beside a TestName, that test is deleted from the equipment profile, including all measurements of that test.
- When you select the button beside a MeasurementName deletes that measurement from the test in which it is defined.
- When you delete a test or measurement, the numbering of the remaining tests and measurements is adjusted. Consider a situation where two tests were identified, and the first test was subsequently deleted. In this scenario, Test 2 is renamed to Test 1.
CFX UnitsInspected message
The numbering of the defect properties is denoted as:
<Circuit Position#>-<Defect#> |
where the number of the first defect for a unit is always 1.
- Initially, the configuration user interface is presented as follows:
- For a device where the Units Per Transaction value is set to 1, when you select the
For a device where the Units Per Transaction value is set to 2, when you select the
button, one test per unit is added to the UI:
- This example pertains to a device where the Units Per Transaction value is set to 1. When you select the
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